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Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners announced for Thanet's best gardens

By: Matt Leclere

Published: 16:34, 16 July 2019

The winners of the Cliftonville in Bloom competition have been revealed with an eco-garden scooping the best garden prize.

Judges say they were blown away by the quality of entries adding this year's competition was the best in the event's history.

Simon Bell, chairman of the GRASS Cliftonville group which organises the awards, says he is delighted with the number and variety of entries in 2019.

Katie Welsford and her family in their garden which was awarded the gold medal for best front garden at the Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 (13878233)

Gardeners battled it out across six categories ranging from the best novelty display to best front garden, commercial display, container display, community garden and best street.

The prestigious best front garden crown went to Katie Welsford for her family's eco-garden at their home in Warwick Road.


She said: "We created our Cliftonville eco-garden as we wanted to see if it was possible to create a mini meadow in a small front garden rather than digging it up for a drive way.

"We wanted to encourage wildlife, insects, bees and birds. We have grown herbs to eat, figs for neighbours, weeds for bees so everything can have its day in our small Cliftonville front garden."

Mr Bell added: "We are thrilled that an eco-garden won the Best Front Garden category, it’s such a fresh way to approach a front garden and it addresses many current concerns about the environment."

Rob Wheeler at the Warwick Guesthouse won bronze in the Commercial category. Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners (13878163)
Morag Butler from Rosslyn Court took the gold medal for the best commercial garden. Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners (13878172)
Jane Bishop at the Walpole Bay hotel won the silver award for commercial garden. Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners (13878179)
Dalby Square was awarded the silver prize for best community garden. Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners (13878181)
Rob Wheeler picked up a second award for the St George's Lawns Flowerbeds as the bronze winner for the best community garden. Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners (13878183)
The Newgate Gap flowerbeds run by the Friends of Cliftonville Coastline have been named the best community garden with the gold award at the Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners (13878185)
Twinkle Troughton celebrates picking up the bronze award in the best container category. Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners (13878215)
Sarah Macpherson won the gold award for the best container garden. Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners (13878217)
Vivienne Osbourn with her silver award winning garden in the container category. Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 winners (13878229)
Lucille Horn was given the bronze award for the best front garden. Cliftonville in Bloom in 2019 winners (13878231)
Katie Welsford and her family in their garden which was awarded the gold medal for best front garden at the Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 (13878233)
Kelly Abbott's garden in Clarendon Road was given the silver award for best front garden at the Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 awards (13878236)
Members and Volunteers of East Kent Mencap’s GOLD Project won the gold award for novelty garden in Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 awards (13878250)
The Florence Court Communal Garden on the Eastern Esplanade was the silver winner for the best novelty garden at the Cliftonville in Bloom 2019 awards (13878252)

There was a record number of entries for the best community garden with the Friends of Cliftonville Coastline taking the gold prize for their work at the Newgate Gap Flowerbeds.

Dalby Square took the silver prize while the St George’s Lawns Flowerbeds were awarded the bronze award.

Mr Bell said: "It's great to see residents’ groups taking positive action to improve Cliftonville by replanting old flowerbeds that have been grassed over. They look magnificent and will look even better next year."

Other winners included members and volunteers of East Kent Mencap’s GOLD Project for the best novelty display with their crochet flowers, Sarah Macpherson won gold for the best container display, Morag Butler at Rosslyn Court for the best commercial display and Sweyn Road for the best street award.


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