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Residents object to plans for 115 homes in Tothill Street, in Minster

By: Millie Bowles

Published: 10:53, 21 November 2023

Updated: 09:58, 29 November 2023

Angry residents have called plans for a 115-home development on farmland “ludicrous” after fears of flooding, oversubscribed facilities and “intolerable” traffic.

The proposed site runs along Tothill Street in Minster, Thanet, and sits north of Foxborough Lane.

A drawing showing how the development near Ramsgate could look Picture: CSA Architects

Neighbours have expressed fear that the houses -which would be built by Gladmans - will be subject to flooding and are not suited to the area.

However, a flood risk assessment prepared for the application, which is lodged with Thanet District Council (TDC), says the possibility of buildings being overrun by water is negligible.

One resident, Janine Hewitt, says in her objection letter to TDC: “We already see flooding on the lane, such as the recent downpour after Storm Ciaran.


“More and more hard surfaces are causing extra runoff.”

Ms Hewitt also saw an issue with parking, adding: “The roads are not able to cope with the flow of traffic we have now.

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Some 115 homes are proposed for farmland north of Foxborough Lane in Minster, sparking opposition from neighbours. Picture: Google

“Manoeuvring around the village is chaos at busy times such as school drop off and pick up.”

She was not the only one who expressed fears over water levels rising.

Laura Browne commented: “This is the stupidest place to have over 100 homes.”

“For one, it floods ...there are no doctor's places left and it’s on a narrow lane.

“The location where greedy developers want to put these houses is just ludicrous, and the amount is really unsustainable.”

‘This is the stupidest place to have over 100 homes...’

Within the plans, a drainage feature will be built at the south of the site.


The house builders hope that this will “manage the flow of surface water during periods of heavy and persistent rainfall” and prevent flooding.

They also hope it will provide a new habitat for wildlife.

More than 60 objections have been received so far, with many expressing concern over the loss of “Grade A arable land” which was previously used to grow asparagus.

Others noted the “dangerous” increase in traffic that would come with 115 new families in the village.

Some 115 homes could be built on a field, with residents saying the houses will add extra pressure on infrastructure. Picture: CSA Architects

Jaime Bailey, whose home backs onto the proposed estate, said: “To create access onto an already busy route is just dangerous.

“The point of access is blind and right next to a substation.”

Villagers pointed out the stress that will be felt on existing infrastructure.

Minster currently has one doctor's surgery, one dentist and one primary school.

In the summer of last year, a similar Gladmans application for the same number of homes on the site was turned down by TDC’s planning team.

Officers said the development would lead to the “irreversible loss of best and most versatile agricultural land” and they received 303 objections. They also decided there was a lack of mitigation against extra traffic, and that developers had failed to deliver enough affordable housing.

In this new application, access and traffic will be eased by knocking down a building along Tothill Street, creating a new road for emergency vehicles to get to the estate. Some 30% of the homes will be affordable.

Gladmans has been approached for comment.

Thanet has the second-highest housing target in the county, aiming to construct 1,258 new properties a year.

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