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Ramsgate man Terry Price dies weeks after funeral savings stolen in sickening burglary

By: Brad Harper

Published: 13:32, 18 January 2023

Updated: 14:32, 18 January 2023

Tributes are pouring in for a man following his death just weeks after his funeral savings were stolen in a sickening burglary.

Terminally-ill Terry Price put aside about £3,000 in his Ramsgate home to pay for his funeral, to help alleviate the financial burden from his loved ones.

Terry Price, 66, had his own funeral money stolen from his Ramsgate home

But while the 66-year-old was shopping in early November, Mark Queen, 31, raided the cancer sufferer’s home.

Mr Price had saved the money from his benefits over four years as he "didn't want to burden anyone" with having to meet the costs of his funeral and wake.

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It has now been confirmed he died on Thursday at home surrounded by his neighbour, Zoe Sage, son, Damien, one of his carers, Tony, and his best friend of more than 40 years, Ray.

Mrs Sage, 38, has paid a heartfelt tribute to Mr Price - describing him as a "real diamond geezer".


"He was liked and loved by so many people," she said.

Ramsgate man Terry Price with Zoe Sage. Picture: Zoe Sage

"Since his diagnosis in 2019, we've been plodding along and doing what we could do [so he could] enjoy his last time.

"He had two wakes during the last couple of summers as he wanted to be there for them.

"When Terry was burgled, his mental health deteriorated rapidly.

"It was so sad to see him having such bad days."

Mrs Sage only managed to get him out of the house twice following the incident - including to arrange his funeral and wake.

Ramsgate man Terry Price, who had terminal kidney cancer, with Zoe Sage. Picture: Zoe Sage

She said the burglar "didn't only take his money, but took his last few months of happiness too".

"Tel's memory will live on in our stories and the flag that flies outside his house," she said.


Since the devastating incident, a fundraiser was set up to try and replace the stolen £3,010.

In the space of three days, it jumped from £185 to an incredible £8,300 from almost 400 donations.

Mr Price, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2019, previously told KentOnline: "The money was for my funeral and my wake at Fury’s bar and a few Christmas presents.

Terminally-ill Terry Price hid about £3,000 in his Ramsgate home to pay for his funeral. Picture: Terry Price

"I had saved it from my pension since I got my diagnosis."

He told how, after leaving his home to go shopping for 45 minutes, he returned to find his savings "cleaned right out".

"I came in and noticed stuff disturbed around my table and as soon as I looked underneath the bed I saw my tin had gone," he said.

"I just broke down because it was my funeral money, my wake money, and Christmas presents for the kids."

Mark Queen, 31, admitted one count of domestic burglary during a plea and trial preparation hearing at Canterbury Crown Court earlier this month.

He denied the original charge of conspiracy to burgle.

Judge Simon James told Queen, who has committed a total of three burglaries, to expect an “overwhelming likelihood” of a prison sentence.

Queen, of Gordon Road, appeared remotely from HMP Elmley after being held on remand following his arrest in November.

Wearing a dark shirt, he spoke only to confirm his name, age and plea.

Another suspect, Paris Campbell-Mitchell, was arrested in December and charged with conspiracy to burgle in relation to the same incident.

The 26-year-old, of Ramsgate, was released on bail and is due before Margate Magistrates’ Court tomorrow (January 19).

Queen and Campbell-Mitchell are expected to appear at Canterbury Crown Court on February 7.

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