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Aurimas Vilius jailed for life for murder of Edvardus Barscevicius

By: Paul Hooper

Published: 12:49, 26 October 2018

Updated: 13:23, 26 October 2018

The widow of a murdered man today described him as a “big-hearted and generous” father who had doted on his daughter.

Edvardus Barscevicius was savagely killed by thug Aurimas Vilius last year and left with 61 external injuries, nine fractured ribs and brain injuries.

But in a statement made by Edvardus’ former partner Gita Matukynaite she revealed how after splitting following eight years together they were getting close again.

Aurimas Vilius found guilty of mudering Edvardus Barscevicius (5030627)

She said Edvardus was also close to his parents and to their eight year old daughter “and he never forgot birthdays or Christmas”.

Prosecutor Philip Bennets QC said Ms Matukynaite described him as “well-liked, friendly and someone with a really big heart.”


He was also “a generous man with his time and money, helping people whenever he could.”

Mr Bennets added that the widow was still struggling to know why her "kind" former partner had been viciously killed.

Vilius, of Cornwall Gardens, Margate was found guilty of murder and jailed for life after a jury at Canterbury Crown Court rejected his claim he had been acting in self-defence.

Murder victim Edvardus Barscevicius

Judge Heather Norton told him she also suspected that after the murder he had taken his victim’s jewellery and shoes.

She said she believed the victim had been taken to Vilius' flat where he was kicked and stamped on before callously being left to his slow and agonising death.

“You removed your own heavily blood-stained trainers and you took and wore the dead man’s shoes.”

She ordered he serve at least another 17 years and 253 days before he can apply for parole but warned he will only be freed when he was regarded as offering no threat to society.


Nine members of the jury, who had deliberated for nearly 20 hours before finding him guilty, returned to watch the sentencing hearing.

Vilius’ pal Klaudijus Klimanskis, 42, of Athelstan Road, Margate was jailed for seven years and 10 months for the unprovoked attack on the helpless Mr Barscevicius.

He was acquitted of murder but convicted of causing grievous bodily harm with intent after an eye witness revealed he had kicked his victim in the head “like Alan Shearer taking a penalty”.

Klaudijus Klimanskis has been jailed for seven years and 10 months. Picture: Kent Police

The two also attacked a second man Slawdmir Szamot who had only been in the UK for a few hours and had come to the house looking for his friend, Edvardus.

Klimanskis admitted the assault at an earlier hearing and the jury convicted Vilius.

She told them both: “It was unclear what exactly caused the two of you to attack Mr Barscevicius, who was known to both of you and who had been in your company for a short while that evening before you turned on him.

“But the fact that you had both been drinking heavily was no doubt a factor. He was punched and kicked on the ground by both of you.

“There was no evidence to suggest that he did or could have done anything to defend himself.”

A short while later Vilius carried out his deadly attack on an injured man, punching, kicking and stamping on his head refusing to go for help.

Ethelbert Terrace in Margate. Picture: Google Street View

The judge and Mr Bennets also praised the two officers, Det Sgt Ross Gurden and DC Tara Melton, who investigated the killing.

Detective Sergeant Ross Gurden said: "Neither Aurimas Vilius or Klaudijus Klimanskis would take responsibility for what they had done to Edvardas Barscevicius and hoped they would get away with it.

"Thankfully the jury saw through their lies and have convicted both these men of this unprovoked brutal and sustained attack. It was a mindless act, brought about by too much alcohol which has led to the death of a man and left a family devastated.

"I would like to pay tribute to the many witnesses from the local community that came forward and provided vital evidence that proved the two men carried out this vicious attack."

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