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Thanet paedophile swore vengeance on police after girlfriend dumped him

By: Julia Roberts

Published: 14:00, 18 February 2024

A paedophile swore "vengeance" on police in a series of abusive calls and texts after blaming them for being dumped by his first-ever girlfriend.

Darryl Taylor, from Westgate-on-Sea, phoned Kent Police demanding to know if officers had spoken to his partner about his previous offending and caused their split as a result.

Sex offender Darryl Taylor, from Westgate-on-Sea, blamed Kent Police for his girlfriend dumping him

He then began spouting threats at the call handler, including: "Kill police, f**k police. They have ruined my life."

The former Wetherspoon kitchen worker, who was convicted of child abuse image offences in 2013 and 2020, also sent messages to his supervising officer branding her “F***ing scum" before adding: "I hope all you police die."

But on Tuesday a judge bluntly told the "self-absorbed and deluded" 35-year-old the only one ruining his life was himself.


Canterbury Crown Court heard Taylor was under the watchful eye of the police’s Violent and Sex Offenders' Register (ViSOR) monitoring team following his first conviction almost 11 years ago.

On that occasion he was made subject to indefinite sex offender notification requirements and a sexual harm prevention order (SHPO).

Among its conditions was a ban on having any history-deleting software on internet-enabled devices. He was also required to notify police of addresses, as well as all phones and bank cards he owned.

Following a visit to his home in December 2022 by his ViSOR manager, Taylor revealed he was in a relationship with a woman who lived locally.

However, on being reminded of the legal requirement to inform police if he stayed at any address for a given period of time, Taylor reacted "angrily and aggressively", the court heard.

Darryl Taylor was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court

"He said 'That's never going to happen. This ends now'," said prosecutor Ben Wild.

"Six days later he called Kent Police and stated he wanted to know if contact had been made with the female.


"He said he believed someone in the ViSOR department had contacted her and caused her to break up with him.

"The defendant then stated: 'I'll go to the police station and f***ing kill them if I don't get an answer. I need heads to roll. I'm at the end of my tether. People will die and I'm serious'."

Taylor was warned by the operator about his comments, only to reply: "I don't give a s**t. Kill police, f*** police, they have ruined my life. I need vengeance."

Three days later his offender manager received seven abusive texts from him on her work phone.

He told her: "The line has been crossed. You are never allowed into my flat again and I will use force against anyone who uses force to come in. F***ing scum. I hope all you police die."

The officer later described feeling "very angry" at the "personal and threatening" messages, particularly in light of the assistance and support she had given Taylor in her role.

I don't give a s**t. Kill police, f*** police, they have ruined my life. I need vengeance...

Taylor, of Westgate Bay Avenue, was arrested and subsequently pleaded guilty to sending malicious communications.

However, while on court bail awaiting sentence for those two offences, he twice refused to complete his annual sex offender notification.

He was arrested and when his phone was examined police found it had an in-browser deleting app.

Taylor was again released on bail and during a visit to his home in September last year, two phones and two bank cards which had not been disclosed were also discovered.

Taylor later admitted five breaches of the SHPO and two breaches of notification requirements.

The court heard that his previous conviction in January 2020 was for another SHPO breach, as well as nine offences of possessing indecent images of children.

Timothy Kiely, defending, said Taylor suffered from Asperger's and had had an "extremely isolated upbringing" with limited interaction.

He added that the kitchen job and relationship at the time of his latest offending were "the first real ones of his life".

Darryl Taylor was found to have two mobile phones he had not told police about

But the barrister's argument that the repeat sex offender had "acted out of extreme carelessness rather than malice" in respect of the court order breaches was rejected by Judge Simon James.

Describing Taylor as having an "entrenched" sexual interest in children, the judge jailed him for two years, telling him he had engaged in "deliberate and calculated subterfuge".

"You keep repeating the frankly self-absorbed and deluded mantra that it is the police ruining your life when it is the painful and obvious truth that the only person responsible for the direction your life has taken is you," added Judge James.

"Those responsible for monitoring compliance with court orders already have a difficult job as it is and they are entitled to look to the court for protection when they are, while carrying out the courts' demands, subject to threats."

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