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Teenage thugs Tyler Daniel and Charlie Nixon jumped on Andrew Dowling's head 'like a trampoline' in Ramsgate attack

By: Paul Hooper

Published: 00:01, 24 June 2015

Two teenagers who jumped on the head of an innocent man like it was “a trampoline” have been given 12-year sentences.

Tyler Daniel, 19, and pal Charlie Nixon, 18, left their victim with life threatening injuries after the attack in Ramsgate.

After sending the thugs to a Young Offender’s Institute, Judge James O’Mahony praised two women who went to the aid of 48-year-old Andrew Dowling.

Judge James O' Mahony

He recommended Rachel Dean and Charlotte Grey received High Sheriff of Kent Awards for bravery after saying they had saved Mr Dowling’s life.

Canterbury Crown Court heard how Tyler, of Spencer Square, Ramsgate had attacked Mr Dowling as he sat on a wall near Waitrose supermarket car park in Queens Square.

“He was a completed stranger and was no threat to anyone. He was just minding his own business" - Judge O'Mahony

He pushed him over, claiming later that he felt “disrespected” and then Nixon, of George V Avenue, Margate, joined in the brutal attack.


The judge said it had been a cold March night and all Mr Dowling had done was go out for a drink “and almost lost his life”.

“He was a completed stranger and was no threat to anyone. He was just minding his own business," he added.

Daniel – who was high on drink and drugs – was with his girlfriend and all three began shouting abuse at Mr Dowling.

The yobs pushed their victim over the wall, hitting his head, and Daniel then jumped over and began stamping on the stricken victim.

Prosecutor Bridget Rowe said Mr Dowling managed to get up but was pushed again to the ground and stamped on.

Nixon – who “had done absolutely nothing to stop or protest”- jumped over the wall and joined in the vicious attack.

The case was heard at Canterbury Crown Court

The judge added: “Time was that fists were fists, then came kicking and now in these courts we have become familiar with people stamping on people’s heads.


“You were jumping up and down with your full weight like someone jumping on a trampoline. This is sickening violence.”

“You were jumping up and down with your full weight like someone jumping on a trampoline. This is sickening violence” - Judge O'Mahony

CCTV footage caught the Daniel and his girlfriend pair walking back to town “without a care in the world, unconcerned.”

It was then the two eye-witnesses went to the aid of Mr Dowling who was air-lifted to hospital and treated for life-threatening injuries.

Ms Todd said the experience left Mr Dowling too frightened to go out.

Tyler admitted the wounding with intent and burgling the home of a friend of his girlfriend.

The prosecutor said a knife had been left in a wall, milk poured out over the floor, TV damaged and “every drawer emptied” including the underwear drawer of a woman who lived there – causing her to move out.

Tyler, who has a criminal record, was given a 12-year sentence after admitting causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

The judge added another year for the burglary, making 13 years in total.

Nixon, who denied the serious assault but was convicted by a jury, was given 12 years in a young offenders' institute.

After the sentences, the judge said: "I commend Ms Dean and Ms Grey for their intervention which was instrumental in saving Mr Dowling's life.

"They were responsible and caring for this stricken man."

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