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Paul ‘Bomber’ Brown of Cliffsend, Ramsgate, aims to beat Bromley’s Jack Owen for Southern Area title at London’s York Hall this weekend

By: Thomas Reeves

Published: 05:00, 15 June 2023

Updated: 11:40, 15 June 2023

Paul Brown is out to finish his boxing career on a high.

The unbeaten light-heavyweight, of Cliffsend, Ramsgate, will face Jack Owen at London’s York Hall this Saturday for the Southern Area title before the 33-year-old father calls it a day.

Paul Brown, left, in action against Andy Bishop in 2020, is stepping into the ring one last time. Picture: Countrywide Photographic

It’s a venue “Bomber” Brown is familiar with.

He said: “It’s a brilliant venue. You can’t beat that venue. The atmosphere is great.

“This is going to be my last fight. I’m calling it a day after this one.


“I’ve always said from day one, when I was amateur and I was unlicensed and couldn’t box, I just used to get into a tear-up with everyone. I was a bit of a boy that liked to have a tear-up.

“But I always said I’d like to win the Southern Area title. Everyone used to write me off and say ‘Nah, you won’t ever get that far’ - look at it now.

“I’ve got that far and I’m about to box for it.

“I’ve got family and kids at the ages where now they want to start doing after-school clubs and my boy wants to play football. They don’t live with me, as well, so I want to spend a bit more time with my kids and concentrate on my career.

“I’m coming up to 34 so I’m not a young whippersnapper now.”

Brown already has an idea of what he wants to do next, though, and has started mentoring at Ramsgate Boxing Club while he intends to take up golf.


“I’ve spoken to my coach and he said I could go further,” he said. “But I don’t want to. I want to concentrate on my career.

“I’ll do a bit of coaching down at Ramsgate Boxing Club, which I’ve started doing in the last couple of weeks. I feel the kids listen to me.

“I’ve got a lot of boxing knowledge - I’ve been doing it since 15 or 16.

“I’d like to pass some of that onto them so, hopefully, if there’s a couple of lads having trouble - like I was - they can be like myself, become pro and kick further on.”

Brown has come up against Bromley’s Owen before and, after previously having been called out by his opponent, he’s eager to see if he’ll put his money where his mouth is now.

He said: “He’s a good kid, a good, strong kid. He’s quite a stocky lad but he’s not on my level!

“A couple of years ago, he was on social media, giving it large, saying he was going to do this, that and the other.

“I said ‘Mate, you’ll get your opportunity. I’m just not sure when you’ll get your opportunity’ so let’s see if he actually sticks to his word.

“He’s a good kid, and strong. But he ain’t on my level.

“The way I’ve trained, there’s no one else who has trained as hard as me.”

Brown’s camp has certainly seen him be put through his paces.

He said: “10-week camp, six days a week, twice a day.

“I’m up at 2.45 in the morning because I’m out running. I do a 10-hour shift at work, get home, change and then it’s back in the gym, training in the evening until 9.30pm or 9.45pm.

“Preparations have gone really well.

“Sparring has gone really well - we’ve had some really, really good sparring with Wayne Morley. His style is perfect because it’s exactly what my opponent is like, so that’s great.

“The diet has gone really well - as much as I’m hungry! I’ve lost all the weight so it’s gone really well.

“It’s probably the best camp I’ve ever had. Mentally, I’m in probably the best place I’ve been as well, which is good, because when you’re running at 2.45am and you’re not seeing your family and your kids and not having that normality, it’s very much going home from work and training.

“That same routine gets a bit much at times but it’s been good.”

Plenty of Brown’s followers will head to the capital to support him.

“Ticket sales have gone well,” he noted. “It was a bit slow at the start, it always is.

“I started advertising it about 10 weeks before and then I sort of backed off for a couple of weeks because people get a bit bored. But I really put it out there five weeks before, ticket sales have gone well since.

“I’ve sold near-enough 80 tickets - if not more - and this week, I’ll probably sell another 15 or 20 tickets.

“There’s a lot of support coming up, which is great.

“I think a lot of people want to see me do well and win this title.

“Fingers crossed, I’ll walk away with it.”

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