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Former drugs tsar Keith Hellawell's granddaughter Gabriella Attidore jailed for dealing cocaine

By: Keith Hunt

Published: 11:00, 08 August 2015

A granddaughter of former Government drugs tsar Keith Hellawell has been jailed for three years for drug dealing.

Gabriella Attidore and her co-accused, Cedric Makiadi, who was also jailed for three years, were told by a judge they were being given maximum credit after accepting they were “coerced” into pedalling crack cocaine by London gang members.

Maidstone Crown Court heard Attidore, 23, was driving a Vauxhall Corsa and 27-year-old Makiadi was her passenger when they were stopped by police in Tunbridge Wells on June 25.

Gabriella Attidore is the granddaughter of Keith Hellawell

Prosecutor David McNeill said the pair were in the vicinity of known Class A drug addicts.

An officer noticed Makiadi was trying to put something into his underpants. Nothing was found when he was initially searched.


But two packs, each containing 30 wraps of cocaine worth up to £1,200, were retrieved from his underpants. He also had £226 cash concealed in a Pringles tub.

Mr McNeill said no drugs were found on Attidore but her mobile phone had texts relating to drug dealing. One stated “2d1l” - two dark (heroin) and one light (crack cocaine).

“Both gave an account they had been under duress by others who carry out drug dealing,” said Mr McNeill.

“Mr Makiadi said he was pressurised by a member of a London gang called Unit who threatened to kill his brother.

“Miss Attidore said she was put under pressure having left her home in Huddersfield after a family dispute. She felt sorry for Mr Makiadi.

“She was taken to an address and put under duress and threatened with death. She was pressurised to drive around with drugs.”


Attidore, of Caldercliff Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, and Makiadi, of Arlington Close, Lewisham, south east London, admitted supplying crack cocaine.

Mr McNeill said Attidore had convictions for various offences dating back to 2007, including two convictions at Leeds Crown Court for possessing cannabis and cocaine.

Cedric Makiadi has been jailed for three years

She was given an absolute discharge.

“She is acutely embarrassed she finds herself in court... she is prepared for a custodial sentence. She has struggled with personal problems” - Peter Byrne, for Attidore

Aneurin Brewer, for Makiadi, said the offence was committee against a background of coercion, threats and violence.

In February, he was attacked by a gang and was in hospital for a week with brain injuries.

“He was approached and threatened with his life and family and agreed to commit this offence,” said Mr Brewer.

Makiadi, he said, grew up in Angola, where his father died in a civil war. His family moved to the UK and were granted refuge status.

Peter Byrne, for Attidore, said she had a limited criminal record. “There is an element of vulnerability,” he said. “She is remorseful.

“She is acutely embarrassed she finds herself in court. Custody has always been inevitable. She is prepared for a custodial sentence. She has struggled with personal problems.”

Recorder Caroline Goodwin said: “It is unfortunate she has found herself in these circles away from home. If the Crown has accepted the account provided, the two have been used.”

Pringles tube. Stock pic.

She told Attidore: “I have read your moving letter where you have set out with great care the difficulties you have encountered recently.

“I take all these factors into consideration. I don’t underestimate in any way what you have written in your letter.”

Recorder Goodwin added: “I make it plain I am going to treat you both as victims of the circumstances you found yourself in and give the maximum credit I can.

“I take the view your own vulnerability was exploited and you have shown remorse. There was clearly involvement due to pressure and/or intimidation.

“I hope not to see you again.”

Keith Hellawell is a former Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police who was appointed New Labour’s drugs advisor in 1998.

He resigned from his position in 2002 over the Government’s reclassification of cannabis from a Class B to a Class C substance.

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