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Kristy Kimber from Tunbridge Wells jailed for nine years for sexual offences against child

By: Keith Hunt

Published: 13:35, 01 February 2019

Updated: 14:37, 01 February 2019

A perverted woman filmed herself sexually abusing a distressed child and sent some of the videos to a paedophile she met online, a court heard.

Kristy Kimber called the man master and sir, and referred to herself as his slave.

The horrific abuse by the 26-year-old was discovered after she asked a friend to fix her mobile phone.

Kristy Kimber has been jailed for nine years and four months. Picture: Kent Police

"As she handed it to him she said 'Just don't look at the videos' and laughed," said prosecutor Martin Yale.

"She assumed they were videos she didn't want him to see because they were friends.


"He was intrigued about the videos. His curiosity got the better of him and he looked at some of them."

There were some of Kimber, of York Road, Tunbridge Wells, performing a sex act on herself, but he was then horrified to see one of a child using a sex toy on a woman.

He recognised Kimber’s voice telling the child what to do. There were further similar video clips.

“He was mortified about what he saw,” Mr Yale told Maidstone Crown Court.

“He said he was shaking with shock and anger. He telephoned the police and told them what he had found.”

Kimber made no comment when arrested last July.


She admitted six offences of causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity, one of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child, one of sexual assault, four of taking indecent photos of a child and three of distributing indecent photos of a child.

Jailing her for nine years and four months, Judge David Griffith-Jones QC said she had “committed an extraordinarily wicked catalogue of offences”.

"The depravity these offences reveal is frankly breathtaking" - Judge David Griffith-Jones

He added: “The depravity these offences reveal is frankly breathtaking. The consequences (for the child) are likely to be profound.”

Mr Yale gave details of the sick video clips, which were of various lengths.

In some the child was forcefully restrained while trying to resist the abuse. In one, the child sobbed and shouted “Stop”, but Kimber continued, making groaning noises of pleasure.

Mr Yale said the case involved others, some of whom had been identified and were being investigated. One was the man Kimber had a relationship with.

Messages from her phone showed it was part of a much wider case involving others. Her boyfriend had contacted some 200 women to try to get them to carry out similar abuse.

“He asked her to do certain things, some of which are depicted in the videos,” said Mr Yale.

“He refers to her as his slave. She refers to him as master and sir.

“It is clear from the messages the defendant was completely under the control of this man. She does resist some of his requests.”

She spoke of being “nervous and excited”. She later expressed repulsion about what she had done.

A relative of the child said in a victim statement: “At no point has she shown any sort of remorse for the horrific offences she has committed.”

Judge David Griffith-Jones

David Patience, defending, told the judge: “It is difficult for me to convey in words to the court the sense of shame and bitter regret by her and the concern she feels for the effect her behaviour has had on the child.

“Those feelings will remain with her forever and will only increase as time goes on.

"She knows she will receive a lengthy custodial sentence and she acknowledges she deserves that.

“Her life has been destroyed by her offending behaviour. She is truly remorseful for what she has done.”

Mr Patience said there was a degree of pressure put on Kimber to commit the offences.

She had suffered mental health problems, being diagnosed with mixed personality disorder,

She was interested in sadomasochism. “The primary purpose of committing the assaults was to cause her humiliation,” said Mr Patience.

He added: “It is highly unlikely she will assault children in the future.

"I urge you not to crush all hope she has of being able to emerge from prison and become a productive member of society once again.

“What she has done is abhorrent and deserving of punishment. She acknowledges that.”

"Her life has been destroyed by her offending behaviour...she is truly remorseful for what she has done" - defence lawyer David Patience

Judge Griffith-Jones told Kimber: “You are an educated woman, aged 26, and yet there you are in the dock before me having pleaded guilty to a catalogue of offences involving systematic sexual abuse of a child.”

A common theme of the abuse was that the child was displaying obvious distress.

The judge said the child’s life had been irrevocably damaged and faced a perilous future.

After considering psychiatric and probation reports, he said he had decided it was not necessary to treat Kimber as a dangerous offender and impose a extended prison sentence.

“You have begun, it seems, to recognise your wickedness in committing these offences and have a degree of insight. You also express feelings of shame and remorse.

“When eventually released, you will be subject to close supervision and monitoring under the terms of your licence for a considerable period.”

The judge said the child was vulnerable and the offences involve a degree of grooming.

The case was heard at Maidstone Crown Court

“I note you blame the man with whom you were in a relationship for causing you to behave as you did,” he continued.

“While I am prepared to accept that what you did was to some extent the product of the relationship... those features do not and cannot excuse your behaviour or provide more than limited mitigation.”

While Kimber’s behaviour was not attributed to paedophilic tendencies, he said, she remained in control of her actions.

“You were aware of the harm your behaviour was likely to cause. It is encouraging you now display some recognition of the enormity of your behaviour.”

Kimber’s name will appear on the sex offenders’ register and a sexual harm prevention order was made, both indefinitely.

She will be barred from working with children and vulnerable adults.

She will serve half of the sentence before being released on licence.

Detective Inspector Rob Chitham of the Kent Police paedophile online investigation team said: "Kristy Kimber was responsible for the systematic sexual abuse of a very young child.

"She has made a number of videos which clearly show the child in distress and has then gone on to share images of the abuse.

"It is extremely rare for a woman to be responsible for these type of sexual offences, however the sentence passed by the courts demonstrates just how abhorrent her actions were.

"This conviction is part of a wider ongoing investigation by Kent Police involving other suspects who we are linking to facilitating, inciting or participating in the sexual abuse of children."

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