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See your pictures for Snapshot Kent entries featuring family fun and helping others in lockdown

By: Angela Cole

Published: 09:44, 14 April 2020

Updated: 12:10, 14 April 2020

Efforts to give others something to smile about, wildlife and family fun at home all feature in your entries for our photographic competition, Snapshot Kent.

Throughout the coronavirus outbreak, all of us have had to find new ways to connect, have fun and keep active.

We may at times feel lonely, frustrated and anxious about the future but we're pulling together to get through lockdown and we're sharing how you've been doing it with Snapshot Kent.

Entries need to be just one snapshot, taken in your home or garden between now and the day lockdown is lifted.

Apart from that anything goes. Your picture can be candid or staged, funny or contemplative. And you've been busy showing us how you're continuing to live in lockdown across Kent.


John Darling sent us a picture of his daughter nine-year-old Ellisse's rainbow artwork outside her home in the Beaver Green area of Ashford in support of the NHS staff. "She has been brilliant whilst stuck indoors for the last three weeks. Maybe it would give cheer to the doctors and nurses that may come across it and see it."

And mum Masami Knox sent in an origami animal quiz her daughter Yumi, aged 11, had created after teaching herself the art from a book. "We then had the idea of putting them outside for people to guess what they are as they walked past. It has been lovely to see both children and adults stop by and smile to each other as they took guesses."

Yumi Knox, aged 11, learnt origami and then put this display up outside her house in Tonbridge

Wildlife have also featured, with Deborah Harrington in Birling sending us a snap of a pheasant in her garden that loves to eat food that's fallen out of the bird feeder while Alison Barnatt from Allington, Maidstone, sent us a shot of social distancing wildlife style, using her wildlife camera as a fox and hedgehog take it in turns to eat the food put out for them.

She said: "It's important to not only look after ourselves but also our wildlife, especially at this time."

And Charlotte Robinson sent us a picture of a rainbow worm she and her family had created outside their home in Medway to cheers people up as they passed.

Charlotte Robinson and her family from Medway made this concrete rainbow worm to cheer up passers-by

We want Snapshot Kent to be a record of local life during this pandemic, and we will be using as many as possible to create an online gallery and in our newspapers too.

It will be a chance for us all - and future generations - all to see how the people of Kent got through these extraordinary times.

See a gallery of some of the latest entries here:

Alison Barnatt from Allington in Maidstone took this picture with her wildlife camera in her garden of a fox and hedgehog taking it in turns to eat the food put out for them
Charlotte Robinson and her family from Medway made this concrete rainbow worm to cheer up passers-by
Chloe Bolton took this picture of her three beach babes on Easter weekend on their Government approved daily walk
Deborah Harrington from Birling took this picture of a pheasant eating the food that has fallen from her bird feeder
Jane Kirtley took this picture of her little Westie Grady watching her husband do his jigsaw puzzle
Joanna Mason sent in this picture of her two year old son James Mason-Butcher struggling with social distancing; desperate to play with the children next door
Ellisse Darling, nine, drew this for NHS workers
Sandijs Goldstrems from West Kingsdown baked bread for the first time
Yumi Knox, aged 11, learnt origami and then put this display up outside her house in Tonbridge
Sacha Havelock with Elena Cooper and Max Leeks



To share your images follow us on Instagram @kent_online, Twitter @Kent_Online and Facebook and tag your posts using #SnapshotKent.

You can also email pictures to us at with Snapshot Kent as the subject. Please include a caption telling us a little bit about the image as well as your name and where you are from.

The picture needs to have been taken in Kent and please only send one picture per post. Send your pictures to us before lockdown ends.

The entries will be judged by the KM Group picture editor Barry Goodwin and we will have two prizes, of a £50 Love2shop vouchers one for under 16s and one for over 16s.

If you are under 16, please make sure you have your parents' permission to enter and please tell us your age on the entry.

See more of your entries here.

For ideas of things to do during lockdown click here.

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