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Say cheese!

By: Ray Edwards

Published: 09:46, 22 March 2013

Award-winning cheesemaker Jane Bowyer

The county’s leading food and drink producers, retailers and hospitality providers were rewarded for their efforts at the Taste of Kent Awards 2013. The annual awards celebrate food and drink heroes from across the county, and this year saw an influx of first-time winners

Ten companies clinched a prestigious Taste of Kent Award title for the first time at this year’s award ceremony.

The outstanding winner of the night was Cheesemakers of Canterbury, based in Dargate near Faversham, which took home three awards: Kent Artisan Producer; Best Kent Food Product and the Best Dairy Food Product – with its Bowyers Brie.

Jane Bowyer, who set up the business almost six years ago in May 2007, said: “At 6.30am on Monday after the awards, collecting fresh milk for cheesemaking in the freezing cold and snow, it was all worthwhile having received the Taste of Kent Awards. This will help promote our business further in Kent and show local traceable food is available to everyone.”


Other first-time winners included the Ambrette in Margate, which picked up the award for Kent Restaurant of the Year, winning over the judges with its “well balanced menu, use of local seasonal ingredients, lovely ambience and contemporary marriage of Indian and English food”, while The George Inn at Molash was named Kent Dining Pub of the Year. The owners had “worked tirelessly to put this pub on the map” according to the judges.

Little Stour Orchard in Margate picked up the Best Kent Juice Producer, despite 2012 being only its second harvest, while Dudda’s Tun, which has only been producing cider for three years at Pine Trees farm near Doddington, was crowned Best Kent Cider.

Steve Theobald, of The Seafood and Farm Shop, at the Elm Court Farmers' Market

In the Kent Farmers’ Market category, Elm Court Farmers’ Market edged ahead of finalists Cliftonville and Tonbridge to clinch the title. Based near Hempstead, Gillingham, the monthly Sunday market has been trading for less than a year with a range of produce and a lively series of food demonstrations.

Some of the county’s past champions and leading lights in their fields also returned to pick up awards affirming their places as leaders in their specialist areas. Gadds’ No 3 from Ramsgate Brewery won Best Kent Beer for the fourth consecutive year while consistent Taste of Kent Award winner Biddenden Vineyards picked up Best Kentish Wine 2013 for its Biddenden Ortega 2011.

Sankey’s of Tunbridge Wells, a previous winner in the Kent Fishmonger of the Year was judged “a clear winner” for 2013; while Godmersham Game just shouldered Doughtys out be crowned winner for the third consecutive year as Kent Butcher or Meat Retailer of the Year.

Edwyn Martin, manager at Produced in Kent, the organisation behind the Taste of Kent Awards, said: “If ever there has been a time consumers want and need to know their food and drink is grown, produced and comes from a trusted and local source, it is now!”

Taste of Kent Awards 2013


Kent butcher or meat producer of the year - Godmersham Game

Best Kentish beer - Gadds’ No 3 - Ramsgate Brewery

Best Kentish wine - Ortega 2011 - Biddenden Vineyards

Best Kentish cider or perry - Duddas Tun - Pine Trees, Doddington

Best Kent juice producer - Little Stour Orchard, Margate

Kent local food retailer of the year - Quex Barn, Birchington

Kent fishmonger of the year - Sankey’s, Tunbridge Wells

Kent artisan food producer of the year - Cheesemakers of Canterbury, Dargate

Kent restaurant of the year - The Ambrette, Margate

Kent dining pub of the year - The George Inn, Molash

Kent farmers’ market of the year - Elm Court, Gillingham

Kent food product of the year

Ambient - Rose jelly by Kent Fine Foods, Gillingham

Bakery and confectionery - Sloe gin chocolates by Sloe Seduction, Marden

Dairy - Bowyers Brie by Cheesemakers of Canterbury, Faversham

Catering - Free range dry cured gammon by Roundwood Orchard Pig Company, Meopham

Prepared food - Quail egg pie by Dine Thyme, Maidstone

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