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Spurned lover from Meopham stalked former partner and new girlfriend for months and even changed his Facebook password

By: KentOnline Court Reporter

Published: 14:00, 29 May 2023

Updated: 15:46, 29 May 2023

A spurned lover stalked her former partner and his new girlfriend for months and even turned up at his new lover’s address and workplace in a bid to harass the pair.

Elizabeth Blackstone, from Meopham, not only stalked the pair for about seven months, she even changed his social media passwords and started posting on his Facebook account.

Elizabeth Blackstone outside Maistone Crown Court

She also assaulted him on another occasion and even took his Audi without his consent and later dumped it in a street in Dartford.

The 29-year-old had been in a relationship with the man for eight years and the couple had two children together, but split up in April and no longer lived together.

However, shortly after the break-up, a court heard Blackstone started her campaign of harassment against him and he started receiving unwanted phone calls from her – sometimes up to 100 calls a day.


After he blocked her number, Blackstone started calling him on withheld numbers and when he answered she would be aggressive towards him and even told him she knew who his new girlfriend was and where she lives.

After being blocked by the man and using withheld numbers to try and contact him, she would also email him until he was forced to blacklist her from his account.

One of the altercations happened on Station Road, Dartford with the kids present. Photo: Google

At one point last year as the campaign of harassment went on, being aware of his social media passwords, Blackstone logged onto his accounts and changed the user email and passwords and started posting on his Facebook account.

The court also heard on October 16, last year, the man was in Dartford and spotted his children walking towards him and his van in Station Road. He walked away in the other direction as he knew Blackstone was with them.

A short while later he returned to find her sitting in his van with the youngsters and when she saw him she got out of his van and fled with the keys.

He then got in his Audi A5 and started driving around to find her to get his van keys back.

The court heard he spotted the mum-of-two near a shop and got out of the vehicle to get his key back.


Blackstone, who also had a spare key to his Audi, then teased him and as he tried to retrieve the keys she bit him on the right hand and scratched his face before jumping in his Audi and driving off.

Blackstone taunted her former partner and took his van key. Stock picture: Goran Matijevic

The man returned to his parents’ address in Dartford and called the police, but still didn't have the keys to his van and Blackstone was still driving around in the Audi.

Blackstone, of Arnold Avenue, Meopham, near Gravesend, was charged with three offences in relation to the incidents, including, assault, taking a vehicle without the owner’s consent and stalking between April 1 and November 6, last year.

She admitted all the offences when she appeared in court in April.

At the time a pre-sentencing report was ordered and she appeared at Maidstone Magistrates’ Court to be sentenced on May 23.

David Holman prosecuting said: “The Audi was reported abandoned to the police on October 20 and he went to recover it.

“A few days later she turned up at flats in Station Road, Dartford and was asking people outside who his girlfriend was. Then on October 28 she turned up at the girlfriend’s workplace and was asking other staff if she could speak to her.

“Then in November, there were more calls, he received 17 calls which had no caller ID and then Blackstone was seen outside his parents address in Dartford and started throwing items and then running away.

“She was arrested on November 6 and the keys to the van and the Audi were found too.”

Mr Holman also told District Judge Stephen Leake that her former partner had written a victim impact statement which said Blackstone’s behaviour had taken its toll on him and that when he drives now, he is anxious and the situation stresses him out on a daily basis as he is always wondering what else would happened.

The statement also said Blackstone had had disputes with other members of his family and that she’d tried to turn his children against him and that he just wanted them to have a happy life and not be part of a game.

Mr Holman also told the court Blackstone had some other previous convictions, but they were not similar to the latest offences.

Judge Leake also heard Blackstone pleaded guilty to the charges on the day she was due to stand trial and had been a part owner of the Audi, but that her former partner was the one in control of it after they split up.

The judge told Blackstone her conduct went on for a prolonged period and placed her on an 18 month community order which will see her complete 30 rehabilitation sessions with probation.

She was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £114 and ordered her to pay £250 court costs.

A two-year restraining order was also issued which bans Blackstone from going near her former partner and his new girlfriend and other family members of him and their addresses.

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