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Motorists are facing lengthy delays after a motorway collision lead to a fuel spill.
A discount store boss has told of the moment he raced back to his shop after learning his lorry filled with £25,000 worth of stock was ablaze.
A brand-new column is being launched this weekend which reviews the best and worst wine bars, cocktail lounges, and upmarket venues in Kent.
A family and dog friendly pub is looking for a new landlord or lady to take over the reins when it reopens after a major refurbishment project.
Cafes at four Kent Sainsbury’s superstores are set to close as the company plans to cut 3,000 jobs.
After the death of the £2.5bn London Resort project, exclusive images of planned attractions at the site are revealed as conservationists celebrate.
A primary school has been rated “good” across the board by education watchdogs.
The county council has paid out £340k less to parents in the last year after the number winning appeals over free school transport halved.
Kent is bracing for very windy conditions tomorrow as Storm Eowyn looms, with strong gusts expected.
A woman’s body was found near a shopping centre following concerns for her welfare.
NHS trusts across the county have paid out millions in compensation and legal costs due to claims of medical negligence resulting in cerebral palsy.
A remote control firefighting robot which can spray 2,000 litres of water a minute has been hailed as an “exciting addition” by the fire service.
Businesses who fought “tooth and nail” for their survival in the shadow of a now-scrapped multi-billion pound theme park project have spoken out.
Drivers are facing delays on the M25 following an earlier incident involving multiple HGVs.
Tears were shed as hundreds of people flocked to a famous dog racing track for its last-ever meet, bringing to a close its near 40-year tenure.
A “weather bomb” set to batter Kent this week with gale-force winds has triggered a danger to life warning.
A retailer selling high-end home and body products is set to relocate to a bigger and better store next month.
Kent County Council has been given a £23 million government grant to support bus services across the county.
Traffic is easing following queues of almost 10 miles and delays of 90 minutes earlier this morning at the Dartford Crossing.
A family of a child with special needs who missed out on education for two years has been awarded more than £18,000 by Kent County Council.
A man has been arrested as police officers investigate a suspected arson which saw a lorry become engulfed by flames.
After years of uncertainty, KentOnline can exclusively confirm the £2.5bn London Resort theme park dream is now officially over.
A habitual shoplifter who swiped almost £30 of chocolate from one shop, told a court he did so because he was showing off to friends.
Read all Kent Politics news
A new survey shows owners care more about their pet’s health than their own - or a global disaster.
Who knew that the humble potato is actually a superfood you don't need to feel guilty eating?
New Government-backed train ticket retailer to be created
If Dry January is going well, just think how much 12 months off the booze will help your body.
Read all trending news
Manager Ady Pennock feels Dartford are “a different animal” to the side which lost at Billericay ahead of this weekend’s top-of-the-table home match.
Chatham Town Women play their third cup game in seven days tonight - and their manager’s expecting this one to be their toughest test yet.
Chris Benjamin arrives at Kent desperate to show he’s more than just a white-ball player, according to director of cricket Simon Cook.
Be sure to check out Simon Hildrew’s gallery from Saturday’s Kent Schools Cross-Country Championships - especially if you took part!
Medway’s Tyla Jade Thomas conquered the field once more for further success at the Kent Schools Cross-Country Championships.
Former sportscar racer Michael Igoe produced a mistake-free drive on a revised layout to secure back-to-back Brands Hatch Winter Stages victories.
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