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Fawkham Montessori overwhelmed by community response after thousands raised for outdoor school trashed by vandals

By: Sean Delaney

Published: 13:05, 15 March 2021

Updated: 14:17, 15 March 2021

A pre-school boss says he is "overwhelmed" by the community's response after thousands of pounds were raised to repair damage by vandals.

Fawkham Montessori's outdoor play area in Pennis Lane, near Longfield, was targeted by a group of teenage boys and young adult males.

Fawkham Montessori's outdoor area before the damage. Picture: Fawkham Montessori Pre-school

Its beloved outdoor educational area was trashed resulting in thousands of pounds worth of damage.

A shelter and some benches were broken and the perspex screen of a children's playhouse smashed.

Police are investigating the incident, which took place at the venue near Gay Dawn Farm, behind the Corinthians Sports Club.


Officers attended and arrested a 17-year-old boy on suspicion of criminal damage.

A 16-year-old boy from Southfleet was also questioned about the incident and inquiries remain ongoing.

A teenage boy was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage before being released, pending further inquiries.

It's the third time in the past year the pre-school's facilities, used to give children valuable learning experiences in woodland and natural environments, have been targeted.

The project was the brainchild of one of the school's teachers who had designed it as part of her degree in early years education.

Together the team members dedicated their own money and resources to make the forest area a reality and say it is loved by kids.

"For us it is more the time and effort," said the pre-school's owner Sam Groombridge.

"We want to make people aware because it is not the first time it has happened. People don't seem to be aware because we are very remote."


He said such outdoor learning spaces had become even more important since Covid-19 and it was devastating for the children.

'We could not be more grateful for the support we have got...'

Within just two days of posting the fundraiser, the donation page had amassed nearly £2,000, well above their £1,000 target.

The money will go towards groundworks and sourcing replacements for the many resources damaged beyond repair.

Mr Groombridge said he and the team had been blown away by the response, finding it "overwhelming".

"We could not be more grateful for the support we have had," he said. "Financially it is phenomenal; I can't thank people enough for the support."

He added residents had "gone well beyond" what was expected and some had even offered their trade or area of expertise to get the school back up and running for the children.

Fawkham Montessori's outdoor area after the damage. Picture: Fawkham Montessori Pre-school

"We will get there, I would like to get done within the week," added Mr Groombridge. "But with some of the equipment we have got to wait."

Mr Groombridge was also thankful to their landlords, the Corinthians Sports Club, whose owners spotted the vandals and promptly alerted the police.

Kent Police spokesman James Walker said: "We was called at 5.47pm on Saturday, March 6 to a report a group of young people were causing damage to a play area in Pennis Lane, Fawkham.

"Officers attended and arrested a 17-year-old boy on suspicion of criminal damage. He has since been released, pending further inquires.

"A 16-year-old boy from Southfleet has also been interviewed, non-custodially, about the incident. Inquiries to establish the full circumstances remain ongoing."

To donate to the fundraising appeal click here.

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