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Wayne Couzens, Sarah Everard's killer, sentenced to 19 months for indecent exposure

By: Sam Lennon

Published: 13:22, 06 March 2023

Updated: 16:28, 06 March 2023

Wayne Couzens was supposed to be on duty when he flashed at a female cyclist before murdering Sarah Everard, a court has heard.

Details of the ex-Metropolitan Police officer’s activities in the months before the killing have been heard at the Old Bailey.

Wayne Couzens has been formally sentenced to another 19 months

Now he has been sentenced to 19 months for three offences of indecent exposure.

The 50-year-old was supposed to be working from home when he exposed himself to a female cyclist in a country lane near Dover in November 2020.

He went on to expose himself to two female attendants at a fast-food takeaway in Kent, with the last incident just days before he snatched 33-year-old Ms Everard in south London on March 3 2021.


Couzens, formerly from Deal, pleaded guilty to three charges of indecent exposure with three further counts to lie on court file.

Today, the women described the impact of the incidents on them as he appeared in court to be sentenced.

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Police searching the Deal home of Wayne Couzens before Sarah was found dead. March 2021. Picture: Barry Goodwin

The female cyclist said her “freedom” to enjoy country walks and cycling had been taken away by his “selfish, aggressive act”.

She said: “I remember vividly being concerned that somebody who could expose themselves to a stranger in such an intimidating way could go on to commit much more serious acts. This is what happened.”

She told Couzens: “Four months after you exposed yourself to me, you raped and murdered an innocent woman.

“There were opportunities to identify you and they were not taken. I did not feel that, when I reported your crime, it was taken as seriously as I felt that it should have been.

“The horror of what happened will remain with me for the rest of my life.”


Couzens, who appeared at the Old Bailey via video-link from Frankland Prison, gave no reaction as the statements were read in court.

In a televised sentencing, Mrs Justice May handed Couzens a 19-month jail term.

Sarah Everard was kidnapped and killed almost exactly two years ago

He is already serving a whole life jail sentence for the kidnap, rape and murder of Ms Everard in early March 2021.

But Mrs Justice May said sentencing also serves as “public recognition” of the offences and the impact on the victims.

She said the personal statements of the three women spoke “justly of their shock and upset at this defendant’s selfish, sexually aggressive acts”.

She said: “All have spoken of their sense of freedom and security taken from them, of feeling vulnerable and fearful for themselves and others going about their ordinary lives.

“One woman, after discovering who had done this and what he had gone on to do, speaks of a wholly understandable sense of survivor’s guilt.”

The senior judge added: “The fact that no police came to find him or his black car, to question him about these incidents, can only have served to confirm and strengthen, in the defendant’s mind, a dangerous belief in his invincibility, in his power sexually to dominate and abuse women without being stopped.”

Police sealed off and searched places such as Centre Road in Dover in March 2021

Opening the facts of the indecent exposure charges, prosecutor Tom Little KC said Couzens had stood completely naked before a female cyclist in Ringwould Road near Dover on November 13 2020.

At the time, Couzens was on duty and was supposed to be working from his then home in Freemen's Way Deal, the court was told.

The prosecutor said the incident happened on an isolated narrow rural lane running inland between Deal and Dover.

It is only a few miles from where the defendant took Ms Everard, having kidnapped her and after he had moved her from one vehicle to another in Dover.

Couzens stepped out of the woods and stood on a bank above the female cyclist as she rode uphill towards him.

Wayne Couzens in 2015

Mr Little said the defendant was “totally naked” and masturbating as he looked at the woman.

He said: “She felt she had no choice but to continue cycling along that country lane.

“There were no words exchanged between them. She had a clear view of him and clearly remembered what he looked like.”

About 50 metres further on, she cycled past a parked black car which looked “old” and “a little battered” but she was unable to recall the full number plate.

As she rode on, the cyclist came across two women and told them what she had seen.

"She felt instant shock at seeing the picture..."

One of them said she was a police officer and would keep a look out, the court heard.

When she reached a crossroads, the cyclist rang her husband and later reported the incident online to Kent Police, providing a description saying he was “middle-aged with a slight paunch”.

At the time, Couzens had a black Seat car in poor condition but, in the absence of a number plate match, the investigation stalled.

After Couzens' arrest over the disappearance of Ms Everard, the cyclist recognised him from his picture.

Mr Little said: “As a result, she contacted the police again. She felt instant shock at seeing the picture and said she was 90% sure it was him who masturbated in front of her.

“Further inquiries have confirmed that the defendant was due to be working from home in Deal on November 13, 2020 between 8am and 4pm. It follows that he was on duty at the time of the offence but was not at home.

Sarah Everard was 33 when she died

Traffic cameras and cell site data located Couzens in his Seat in that country area at that time.

On March 25, 2022, Couzens was interviewed about the incident and replied “No comment”, the court heard.

A few months later, on different occasions on February 14 and 27, 2021, Couzens exposed his genitals to staff at the fast-food takeaway in Kent.

He sat in his car and looked straight at them as he showed his erect penis while handing over his card to pay for food.

The female staff affected were left “shaken, upset and angry”.

On the last occasion, staff took a registration number and identified the car from CCTV as a black Seat which was registered to Couzens.

"All have spoken of their sense of freedom and security taken from..."

A credit card in his name was used to pay, while ANPR and cell site data was used to track the defendant’s car in the area at the time of the incidents.

On March 3, 2021, Couzens, then a serving officer, snatched marketing executive Ms Everard as she walked home in south London.

Following his murder conviction, Couzens was charged with six counts of indecent exposure.

In February, he pleaded guilty to three of the charges after a bid to get the case thrown out due to publicity around Ms Everard’s murder.

He had denied three other indecent exposure allegations in June 2015, one between January 22 and February 1 2021, and one between January 30 and February 6 2021.

Police at Bears Lane, Great Chart, Ashford, March 2021 searching before Sarah was found dead..Picture: Barry Goodwin

Those charges are expected to be left on court file.

An independent inquiry led by Dame Elish Angiolini will consider Couzens’ earlier sexual offending and whether opportunities were missed to stop him before he murdered Ms Everard.

Det Ch Insp Katherine Goodwin, who leads the Specialist Crime Command team that also investigated the murder of Sarah Everard, said after the hearing: “Those who came forward have shown strength and dignity in the face of Couzens’ attempts to scare and demean them for his own satisfaction.

“I would like to recognise their patience and co-operation throughout the case, and thank them for standing up to him. Without them justice could not have been served."

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stuart Cundy, who leads the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards, said:?“Today’s sentencing reflects the impact these awful crimes committed by Couzens’ has had on the women he targeted.

“I have read the victim impact statements and it is clear to me the hurt and trauma that he inflicted on them. It is their courage that has been crucial in bringing him to justice and I am sorry for what they have gone through.

“Like so many, I wish he had been arrested for these offences before he went on to kidnap, rape and murder Sarah Everard and I am sorry that he wasn’t.

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