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A Freedom of Information request has revealed the number of clinical claims relating to items left in patients after surgery at Kent’s hospitals.
A loft insulation surveyor stole highly valuable jewellery from the homes of elderly and vulnerable customers out of "heartless greed".
The running of local councils is to change under sweeping government reforms - here is an easy guide in six questions to get your head round them.
A lane cordoned off after a property was found to be at risk of collapse will be shut for at least a week.
A thug out of prison for just 11 days repeatedly stabbed a man after robbing him of £20 at a cashpoint.
A popular swimming pool set for a £20 million renovation project will shut within months and not reopen for years, it has emerged.
Five Kent seaside towns have been hit by a house price slump as Londoners are “cooling” on the idea of relocating to the coast.
Richard Branson's Virgin Group make a bid to break Eurostar’s monopoly on services through the Channel Tunnel.
Fresh plans to build homes on the site of a garden centre have been refused amid fears the properties would ruin the countryside’s appearance.
One of a town’s oldest companies is partly moving out of the county after two centuries, cutting half of its workforce.
The leaders of Kent’s councils have written to the government to express an interest in joining the Devolution Priority Programme (DPP).
Residents have been evacuated from their homes overnight amid fears a nearby building could collapse.
An A-road was closed for more than four hours as emergency services tackled a double-decker bus fire.
A winter flu crisis is crippling overwhelmed hospitals across Kent as a record number of patients endure long waits for a bed.
A devastated landlord says the owners of his 200-year-old pub are set to close the venue amid rumours it could be knocked down.
With Kent’s hospitals gripped by a winter flu crisis, we asked the county’s MPs for their thoughts on the alarming waiting times in A&E.
The biggest proposed change in the way local government is run in Kent for 50 years has taken another bold step.
A narrow lane has been fenced off as a building near a town centre pub appears to be at risk of collapse.
Ferry services from Dover to Calais have been cancelled due to strike action.
A weather warning for ice is in place this morning as the cold snap continues following last night’s snow and sleet.
Snow has started settling in towns across the county as flood and cold weather warnings remain in place.
A duo reportedly shoved a woman to the ground and snatched her bag in a town centre robbery shortly after dark.
Concerns have been raised over the number of Kent fire service staff who have been off sick for mental health reasons.
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The actor who played Barry Evans in EastEnders on why he had to confront the spirit of a wife killer.
With Celebrity Traitors coming soon, presenter Claudia Winkleman looks ahead to the BBC show.
From starting the process to how to care for your hair – here’s your expert guide to going grey.
Experts reveal what checking your phone first thing in the morning does to your brain.
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Jim Parmenter is showing little sign of slowing down as he reflects on 20 years at Dover’s helm.
Catch up with all the week’s football fixtures and results here.
Manager Jake Leberl has spoken of Jim Parmenter’s influence at Dover - as Whites’ chairman celebrates a major milestone this week.
Dover Athletic’s latest set of financial figures show a significant improvement.
Find out who’s in KentOnline’s team of the week and vote for your star man.
Isthmian Premier leaders Dover got back to winning ways on Saturday.
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