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Victoria Park in Deal in 'terrible mess' after circus leaves town with residents angry

By: Chantal Weller

Published: 15:13, 31 March 2023

Updated: 15:56, 31 March 2023

A park has been left in a "disgraceful and dangerous" state after a circus churned up the ground while departing.

Residents have been left furious at the sight as the poor weather meant the grass has now been left with deep track marks from the vehicles.

This has left residents upset and concerned about the state of Victoria Park in Deal after John Lawson's Circus was in town.

Rebecca Dalton says the way the park has been left is unacceptable and needs to be sorted before someone trips over.

"I cannot believe they have made such a mess," she said.


"I think it is dangerous and needs to be made safe.

"If they are going to try to fix it then that is fair enough but at the end of the day people walk across there in the dark and could trip and hurt themselves.

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Victoria Park in Deal has been left in a "terrible mess" according to residents

"It is disgraceful, what were they doing when they were taking it all down and how were they getting off the field and onto the road?

"They could have done a lot better job than that."

Theresa Christie agreed the park does not look visually pleasing at the moment and says she has avoided the park since the circus left.

"I think the Circus has left it in a disastrous state," she said.

"It is just mud and I do not think it will ever get back to what it was.

Deep dents have been left in the park from the Circus' vehicles

"I think it is putting people off using the field. We go there for our dog walks and children play ball games over there and it is just a mess.


"I do not know how they are going to fix it. It needs rolling or something and replanting I should think.

"Once you have seen one circus you have seen them all I think. I do not know if many people went but it was quite expensive which we cannot afford these days.

"I just think with the mess they have left behind, it will probably cost them a lot to put it right."

However, Verity and Joe Treadwell took their dog for a walk in Victoria Park and said although it was very muddy, it can not be helped.

Claire Moore at Sid's Ice Cream Parlour says the park looks a mess but the poor weather has not helped
Rebecca Dalton says the park is now dangerous to anyone walking across it as they could trip in the ruts in the grass

"It does look a little bit rough around the edges," Verity said.

"We took our dog out for a walk in it and we got quite muddy and he came back and put mud all on the carpet which is a bit annoying.

"I imagine it is all going to grow back and go back to how it was.

"I think it is really responsible of them to try and fix it. As long as they do that it is great and there is nothing to worry about.

"It is a short term thing and we can deal with it until then."

Dover District Council own the land and say they are aware of the marks

Kylie Boyce at Welley's coffee shop opposite the park said she can see why some people are a bit annoyed about the marks left behind.

"The Circus cannot control the weather," she said.

"If we start moaning about the fact that they have left a few tractor marks in the grass then we will end up losing a little bit of joy that the children enjoy because the council will stop doing it.

"I think the kids need something to look forward to when it comes.

"If we moan about that, then we will moan about the funfair and they will stop that too.

Kylie Boyce at Welly's Coffee Shop opposite the park says the circus brings joy to the town

"They are not horrible people, they have cleaned up all their rubbish and just left a few tractor marks and if they do try and fix it then brilliant."

Claire Moore at Sid's Ice Cream Parlour said the park is in a "terrible mess and really is churned up".

"I have spoken to people about it but because the weather was so bad there is not a lot they could have done," she said.

"I think by the time it gets put right again, the fair will be there and it could happen again.

"It is a shame because all the dog walkers go over there, kids play on it.

Joe and Verity Treadwell took their dog for a walk in the park and said it was very muddy

"I know it was just the Circus' wagons and things but it looks like people have been driving around the park in circles in their cars. It is terrible.

"It would be nice if they tried to fix it. It would be respectful to the town because it is a lovely park.

"Everyone is saying it is in a state but saying that, it was terrible weather when they were here. Can it be helped? I do not know."

John Lawson's Circus says it plans to fix the park, and when contacted by KentOnline circus boss John Lawson said: "We suffered the worst weather conditions we have ever experienced in over 20 years in Deal and yes we did make ruts getting our lorries and equipment off the site.

"However we have engaged Bay Services to come and repair it all at the earliest opportunity.

One nearby shop owner says it looks like cars have been driving around the park in circles

"Ben from Bay Services says that he hopes to be able to do that in the next couple of days but he needs the site to dry out a little otherwise his machinery will only cause more damage."

A spokesman for Dover District Council said: "We’re aware of the ground conditions at Victoria Park in Deal following the circus.

"This was not surprising given the recent spell of wet weather, and we will be working with the event organiser to re-instate the grounds to the necessary standard."

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