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Massive gasworks abandoned for more than 80 years are set to go under the hammer and could be overhauled into homes.
A brazen thief who resorted to crime within 72 hours of being spared jail has once again been given a chance to "prove himself".
A council has u-turned on plans to shut all facilities at a leisure centre for nine months, sparking joy among sports groups.
We’ve got 15 fantastic days out for the February half term, from roar-some dinosaur trails to eco-friendly fun.
Neighbours who say their street already smells are worried it will only get worse if plans for more homes nearby are approved.
An XL Bully bit a police officer during one of seven dawn raids this morning designed to smash a criminal network.
Kent and Medway have missed out being part of the government fast-tracked devolution programme.
Children as young as 10 are coming to A&E due to self-harm or a suicide attempt - we speak to the people who are there to meet them.
A head teacher is among those calling for a former pub to be saved after plans were lodged to turn it into a house.
An “obsessed” patient launched a sustained stalking campaign against her gynaecologist by lavishing him with gifts - and leaving him with nightmares.
A married couple have taken the difficult decision to close their much-loved high street business, which they have run for the past 14 years.
Plans for a mini housing estate have been approved for a second time despite villagers’ fears it will ruin their privacy.
It arrived quickly with devastating consequences. We look back at the tidal surge which saw cliffs collapse, livestock drown and motorists marooned.
Secret Drinker was left seeing red after diving into a ‘dour’ town centre pub.
A damning survey has been told of bullying and discrimination towards female employees at the ambulance service which serves Kent.
An animal rescue charity has profiled 20 dogs up for adoption in the county who are searching for a family to give them the love they deserve.
Some councils are doing better than others when it comes to bringing Kent’s 8,000-plus empty properties back into use.
A nine-month closure of a leisure centre will be reviewed next week after a council heard of the “devastating” impact it could have on residents.
A man who murdered his pregnant wife more than 25 years ago is facing fresh charges related to her death.
A man who started a tutoring business at university will battle it out to win Lord Alan Sugar’s favour in the new season of The Apprentice.
Underused offices, shops and pubs are increasingly being converted to residential use as landlords seek sustainable rent, says a report.
A grandad has shared the heartbreak of losing his granddaughter to sepsis and says it is something the family will “never get over”.
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Households could be hundreds of pounds better off if they follow these money-saving tips.
Test your general knowledge with our questions on TV, geography, music, football - and even ice cream!
Experts warn of a hidden health crisis and why the Government must act now.
The Royal Mint has just released its latest coin marking a special year for the RAF’s legendary aerobatic team.
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Boss Steve King is determined to ensure Deal’s season doesn’t peter out.
A ninth straight Isthmian Premier win sent Dartford top of the table while Ramsgate extended their lead at the Isthmian South East summit.
Steve King will have no qualms about throwing some of Deal’s youth-team players into the first-team spotlight on a more regular basis.
An all-rounder has joined Dartford Cricket Club ahead of the new season.
Check out our gallery to see who joined winner Cole Gibbens in a selection of KM Group photographer Barry Goodwin’s best Canterbury 10 race images.
Kent’s Sam Billings and Wes Agar lost in the Australian T20 Big Bash League final.
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