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Death of Dover Christ Church Academy pastoral support manager Mel Moczulski from Covid-19

By: Sam Lennon

Published: 14:22, 04 February 2021

Updated: 08:33, 09 February 2021

A teaching block has been renamed in honour of a staff member who died with coronavirus.

The site for Year 7 pupils is now called the M Block in memory of Mel Moczulski, that age group's pastoral support manager at Dover Christ Church Academy in Whitfield.

Dover Christ Church Academy staff member Mel Moczulski previously worked at Kingsdown and Ringwould primary where she was very well thought of

A crowdfunding page for her family raised £666, smashing the £500 target, by Thursday..

Miss Moczulski, affectionately called Mrs M by the youngsters, died last Friday. The mother-of-two was 51.

Principal Jamie MacLean told Kent Online: "We held a small memorial ceremony at the school on Monday. A permanent memorial is being planned and I have also set up a fund to collect money for the family."


It was on Monday morning that the shattering news was broken by staff to pupils just before that day's remote learning schedule.

Mr MacLean told parents by letter. He wrote: "It is with the utmost sorrow that I write informing you that Miss Moczulski passed away at 11pm on Friday from Covid-19.

Floral tributes for Miss Moczulski. Picture: Dover Christ Church Academy

"She was a wonderful woman and one of the most caring people I have ever had the pleasure to work with.

"She treated the students as if they were part of her extended family and she greeted everyone with a smile and positivity.

"My lasting memory of Mel will be of a loving woman who made me laugh with every single interaction.

"Our school community is devastated at this news and our thoughts and prayers are with Mel’s partner, Pete, and her two children."

His letter added: "Many staff members will be wearing bright colours today in memory of our precious 'Mrs M'.


"She was always a vibrant lady, in outfit and personality. It seems only fitting that we remember her in a way that would have made her laugh."

Monday's timetable was drastically altered by the shattering news.

Principal Jamie MacLean Picture: Dover Christ Church Academy (44270911)

Heads of year did not teach that day but instead spoke to students by telephone or video to provide support.

Many lessons ended up as discussions on the tragedy as many of the youngsters struggled to come to terms with it and ask more about what had happened.

Counselling was also offered to pupils and staff. In addition floral tributes were laid at the school entrance by pupils.

Miss Moczulski was said to have no underlying health conditions but had been in an induced coma for five weeks.

She was struck by the virus before Christmas when an outbreak hit the school and affected 33 staff, including Mr MacLean.

Dover Christ Church Academy. Picture; Google Maps

Miss Moczulski had been with her partner Pete Skillin for 27 years and they had two daughters.

She previously worked at Kingsdown and Ringwould primary with teacher Rose Cope who is now the head teacher at Hornbeam Primary.

Mrs Cope said: "As a best friend and a beloved colleague her loss will affect many for a long time. However her smile and sense of fun will continue to brighten many days."

The date of the funeral is not yet known. Mr MacLean's crowdfunding page for the family, called In Memory of Mrs M, is available here.

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