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Folkestone baby Jetson Maffia-Kerbey, cousin of Lisa Maffia, drowned in hot tub after getting in to retrieve toy

By: Alex Jee

Published: 16:48, 03 October 2022

Updated: 17:14, 03 October 2022

A one-year-old baby boy drowned after getting into a hot tub to retrieve a toy, an inquest has heard.

Jetson Maffia-Kerbey, from Folkestone, was found face down in the water at a family friend's house in Sellindge, near Ashford.

Jetson Maffia-Kerbey died aged 1. Photo: Lisa Maffia/Instagram

Today, the coroner's court at County Hall in Maidstone heard how the healthy baby boy had spent Sunday, June 12, with his parents and their family friends, who have a child of around three-years-old.

The two children had spent the morning playing, and had visited a War and Peace exhibition in Sellindge with their dads, enjoying a number of rides and "large ice creams".

While on their way back, they met up with the pairs' mothers, who had been at a hen-do that weekend.


The family all went back to the Swan Lane property, where they all used the hot tub on the back deck.

This included young Jetson and his friend for about 15 to 20 minutes, under the careful supervision of their fathers.

“Jetson was well-nourished and well cared for, and this looks to be purely accidental..."

A short time later, the family went back inside. The lid was left off the hot tub, which was sunk into the deck with three steps leading up to it.

When the family, all together emerged back outside a short time later, the children were left playing on the deck near to their parents.

After a moment, the father of Jetson's friend realised that the pair had gone quiet, and looked over to see his child in the hot tub, next to Jetson who was face down.

He immediately scooped him out and began CPR, while one of the other parents called the ambulance services.

An off-duty police officer who lived nearby heard the commotion and came to help, taking over CPR until paramedics arrived.

Jetson was taken to the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford but doctors were unable to revive him

Jetson was taken to the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford but, tragically, doctors were unable to revive him.


Area coroner Katrina Hepburn told the court that Jetson's young friend had told her father the following day that Jetson had wanted to retrieve an orange spade from the water.

A multi-agency investigation took place following the tragedy and determined that there was a gap of "no less than 30 seconds to no more than five minutes at most" where the pair had been unsupervised.

“Jetson most likely entered of his own free will, to get a spade,” explained Ms Hepburn.

“Any question of neglect has been thoroughly investigated and there is no evidence to support any wilful act or criminality.

“Jetson was well-nourished and well cared for, and this looks to be purely accidental."

Ms Hepburn added: "While it was a short period of time [that they were left unwatched], it led to the tragic consequences of that afternoon that was spent with family and friends, and sun and ice cream.

"The conclusion that I return in these circumstances is one of tragic accident."

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Following the tragedy in June, Jetson's cousin, singer-songwriter Lisa Maffia, paid tribute to her "handsome little cousin" on social media.

Posting on Instagram , the former member of So Solid Crew said: "I love you, and your mumma.

"I’m sorry you’re gone so soon. I know you’re safely in the hands of god.

"Until we meet again, sleep well my boy.

"This was not God's plan. God is good."

A family member told KentOnline: "Jetson was and always will be so deeply loved and it has been truly awful for the whole family."

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