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Gravesend prankster Daniel Jarvis invaded England test match at The Oval last year 'to make people happy'

By: Sean McPolin

Published: 15:31, 14 September 2022

Updated: 15:11, 16 September 2022

A self-proclaimed prankster who invaded a cricket Test match between England and India claims he was doing it to "make people happy".

YouTuber Daniel Jarvis, from Gravesend, was kitted out in whites as he leapt over the barrier at The Oval in September last year and barged into batsman Jonny Bairstow.

Daniel Jarvis was found guilty of aggravate trespassing after running onto the pitch at The Oval and colliding with England batsman Jonny Bairstow Photo:Adam Davy/PA

The 34-year-old was dragged off the field by security and was today found guilty of aggravated trespassing following a trial at Croydon Magistrates' Court.

Serial joker Jarvis had denied intending to disrupt the game, which was being watched by thousands, and will be sentenced next month.

Nicola Grindey, prosecuting, said: "The defendant attended and during the match has ran onto the field dressed in cricket whites.


“He ran up and bowled a cricket ball towards the wicket and during that, has ran into one of the cricketers before being escorted off the field.

“He waited within the bathroom. He was there with a cricket ball, he waited for a second individual to contact him by phone call.

Serial prankster Daniel Jarvis faces up to three months in prison

“He is a YouTuber who has a history of disrupting cricket matches.”

Footage from Sky Sports, who were broadcasting the game live, showed Jarvis wearing Indian team cricket whites bearing the number 69 and his nickname 'Jarvo'.

Another clip was shown that was taken from a GoPro camera that Jarvis held in his hand as he ran to take his bowl.

It shows him in a bathroom already dressed in the Indian team’s cricket whites, sticking his tongue out to the camera and spitting into the sink while a voice on the loudspeaker announces a change in bowlers.

He got a call from an associate who says “Now!" - and Jarvis then runs out down a hallway and onto the pitch.


The prosecution also played clips taken from 2021 from two different games in Lord’s and Headingley that were uploaded to Jarvis’s YouTube channel.

In the game at Lord’s, Jarvis says to the camera that he is going to make his debut before walking onto the pitch saying: “C’mon boys, let’s do this, we’ve got this.”

Asked why he goes onto cricket pitches, Jarvis said: “I just do it to make people happy.

"I get loads of positive feedback saying it’s good for mental health.

“Stuff like that you freestyle it, you go along, these have been done to make people happy. I have done nothing to offend anyone or cause alarm.”

When asked what he was expecting to do once on the pitch he said: “That’s the funniness about it.

'I just do it to make people happy...'

"When you go on dressed as a player and it causes a bit of confusion and people laugh about it, that’s why it gets so many hits and good feedback.

“When I have done that they said no laws were broken, that’s why I thought this one was okay. It would have been okay if I did not make contact with any of the players.

“I did not intend to disrupt anything. No-one has ever been prosecuted for these things before, even worse stuff then what I have done.

“I did have a ticket, I thought if I have a ticket to the thing, it’s not trespassing but I don’t know the law.

“I make videos for people’s pleasure. All the crowd was cheering, I had a lot of positive feedback.”

Jarvis, who attended court in a tracksuit jacket and trousers and represented himself, has been granted unconditional bail ahead of sentencing on October 19 at Croydon Magistrates’ Court. The maximum sentence is three months in jail.

It was the third trial attempt after Jarvis tested positive for Covid-19 the first time in June and in July he said he was unable to participate because his mother had just died.

District Judge Benjamin rejected Jarvis's claims he didn't know he wasn't allowed to be on the pitch.

Jarvis, from Gravesend, was banned from attending football matches after pitch invading a Spurs game

He added: "Having been removed from the playing fields at Headingley. I am sure he knew.

“I am sure that when he approached the boundary he saw the location of the umpire and players and realised play was underway.

“Nevertheless he continued with his actions because, in his own words, it would be funny, it would cause confusion.

“I am sure the defendant knew play could not continue while he was on the field of play. I am sure he knew these were the virtually certain consequences of his intended actions.”

After the trial, Jarvis, who has 17 previous convictions which include entering an aircraft while drunk, said: “I think it’s a bad decision.

“They have pissed me off; no-one has ever been arrested for going onto a cricket field, even when people have run out naked, but they have got a problem with me."

He added: “I have got a big problem with this now and when my mental health is a bit better I’m going to be back.

"I’m not scared of prison or anything they can do to me. Watch this space."

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