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The criminals including ram-raiders, drug dealers, thugs and sex offenders from Kent who were locked up in November

By: Lynn Cox

Published: 05:00, 01 December 2022

Updated: 14:19, 01 December 2022

It was another busy month for the court system in November with ram-raiders, perverts, thieves and thugs all jailed for their crimes.

We take a look at the people who were put in cells and locked up during last month.

Quite a few criminals were locked up last month. Stock picture

Mathew Chapman

A boxer drunk on strong cider almost killed a man with a single punch during a devastating attack in a pub beer garden.

Mathew Chapman, who had downed 10 pints before arriving at The Fountain in Seabrook, knocked Ross Lindenberg to the ground, causing his skull to crack on a paving slab.

Mathew Chapman was jailed for the single punch attack at The Fountain. Picture: Facebook

The victim, who had tried to intervene in a fight, was airlifted to a specialist London hospital and placed in a medically induced coma ahead of life-saving brain surgery.


Chapman, 33, was jailed for two-and-a-half years at Canterbury Crown Court for the single-punch attack.

Judge Catherine Brown told Chapman he had “ruined (Mr Lindenberg’s) life".

Alluding to his amateur boxing past, she told the father-of-three, he was: “Capable of delivering a precise and forceful blow - you are quite lucky you did not kill Mr Lindenburg.

“I could be sitting here dealing with a classic one-punch manslaughter case."

Rooney Whyte

A gunman who led police on a 130mph car chase through Kent, was locked up.


Officers pursued Rooney Whyte in his Audi after he fired a bullet from a Glock 17 pistol into the ground in Stockbury, near Sittingbourne.

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Rooney Whyte, who also goes under the alias of Rodney O'Conner, was jailed. Picture: Kent Police

The 42-year-old then led police on a wild chase along the M26 and M25 motorways, weaving between lanes and using the hard shoulder to evade police cars.

A helicopter was brought in to help track the father-of-four during his 35-mile journey from the county into Surrey and eventually, the 42-year-old London Underground maintenance engineer abandoned the vehicle while it was still in motion.

Police later found the weapon with seven bullets in the chamber and Whyte, of Janson Close, Stratford, ditched the vehicle before sprinting and jumping over a fence and then laying down in a field and surrendering before two officers with guns detained him.

The Londoner admitted possession of a firearm and ammunition and driving dangerously and was jailed for five years and four months and banned from driving for 47 months.

Robert Davanzo

A burglar who travelled to Kent and targeted homes across the county was jailed for eight years.

Robert Davanzo was charged with, and later admitted, conspiracy to burgle after being arrested earlier this year for thieving from properties in Ashford, Folkestone, Hythe and New Romney.

Robert Davanzo was jailed for eight years after burgling properties in Ashford, Folkestone, New Romney and Hythe. Picture: Kent Police

Police investigated five offences which took place in the Ashford area on February 16 and a property in Willesborough was broken into and a large amount of cash, along with 10 high-value watches, were stolen.

Nearby at another address on the same day, two men went to a home and said they were inspecting whether there was a water leak, the occupants later realised a jacket and jewellery had been taken and a flat above a shop in New Romney was also broken into, and cash and personal documents were stolen.

Then a short while later, a property above a restaurant in Hythe was broken into and as investigations into the incidents continued, on February 22, Davanzo broke into a house in Folkestone.

An amount of cash and the keys to an Audi were taken and the car was later stopped in north London where 28-year-old Davanzo from High Wycombe, and a boy, 17, who assisted the offence, were arrested.

The teenager was given a two-year youth rehabilitation order which includes a curfew and Davanzo's sentence also included terms for similar offences in Essex and South Wales.

Mark Steed-Shadbolt

One of two hooded raiders who targeted a newsagents was jailed for almost three years.

Mark Steed-Shadbolt, 31, helped steal more than £6,800 worth of cigarettes from Martin's in Trafalgar Parade, Minster, Sheppey.

Mark Steed-Shadbolt, of Latona Road, Peckham. Picture: Kent Police

Maidstone Crown Court heard how the pair, who wore hoods and masks, were seen by witnesses as they carried out the raid on Wednesday, September 21.

Their van's registration plate was reported to police as it headed towards Iwade on the A249 but during an 11-mile chase the van was driven at up to 85mph, on the wrong side of the road, the wrong way around a roundabout and driven at a marked police car, narrowly avoiding a head-on collision.

Police tried to stop the van by deliberately driving into it, but the men were forced to stop after turning into a dead end.

Steed-Shadbolt, of Latona Road, Peckham and his pal caused £1,500 worth of damage to the shop.

He had admitted burglary, dangerous driving and aggravated vehicle taking and was jailed for two years and 10 months and banned from driving for four years and two months. The raid came within weeks of Steed-Shadbolt, a father-of-one, receiving a 10-month suspended jail sentence for a similar burglary.

To read more of our in depth coverage of all of the major trials coming out of crown and magistrates' courts across the county, click here.

To see who was locked up in October, click here.

Miroslav Jano

A prolific burglar who swiped war medals was jailed after he was found sleeping next to one of the crime scenes surrounded by stolen goods.

Miroslav Jano from Dover was convicted in connection with a string of offences around the town.

Miroslav Jano from Dover was convicted in connection with a string of offences

The 34-year-old was arrested in April, when police attended a reported break-in at a flat in Durham Close and found him asleep in a communal area.

At this stage of the investigation, Jano was granted conditional bail, as officers continued to build a case to bring charges.

The investigation led to the recovery of forensic evidence, which linked Jano to a bag left behind at another burglary in Victoria Park and inside the bag officers found war medals stolen during the other offence committed in Durham Close.

Officers also recovered CCTV images connecting him to a burglary in Flying Horse Lane and in May, he was arrested again.

Jano, of Folkestone Road, Dover, pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary and two of theft and a further three offences were ordered by the court to lie on file and he was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court to three years’ imprisonment.

Russell Paine

A father secretly built a cocaine enterprise worth tens of thousands of pounds behind his partner's back after losing his job.

Russell Paine's illicit operation saw him stash ill-gotten cash worth £45,000, alongside numerous parcels of cocaine, around his family home in Folkestone.

Russell Paine was jailed. Picture: Facebook

The dad-of-three’s elaborate scheme - which even included the installation of a security safe - surfaced when officers noticed him acting “visibly nervous” during a routine patrol.

Paine, 31, was jailed for three years and eight months at Canterbury Crown Court last month.

His partner handed the judge a letter saying she had been unaware of his drug dealing antics between June and September, 2022 and police stopped Paine's vehicle in his hometown when they noticed him acting "visibly nervous," prosecutors said.

During a search, officers discovered 11 small bags of cocaine, an envelope containing £20 notes, alongside iPhone and Nokia phones and officers raided Paine's home they discovered “there was already a drugs operation going on,” prosecutor Sarah Fairburn said.

Paine would plead guilty at an early opportunity to two counts of dealing Class A drugs and two counts of acquiring criminal property - roughly £45k in total.

Blessed Sithole

A dealer who sold heroin and crack cocaine was jailed for three years after admitting supplying Class A drugs.

Blessed Sithole, 29, of Gore Mews in Canterbury, was arrested in the city after a large quantity of cash and mobile phones carrying evidence of drug dealing were seized in a police raid on his home.

Drug dealer Blessed Sithole was locked up last month

The messages on the devices referred to offering drug users "best of both" - a reference to heroin and crack cocaine.

The operation was carried out by Kent Police's County Lines and Gangs Team who also identified a blue BMW linked to Sithole and drug dealing.

But while on bail, Sithole obtained another hire car and phone, with a view to potential further dealing. He was arrested again in June and charged.

After pleading guilty to the charge, the drug dealer was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court last month.

Sithole was the latest offender to be jailed following work by the specialist police team, as last month, its officers also made 42 arrests, secured 54 charges, and seized more than £15,000 in suspected criminal cash and 32 weapons.

James Jackson

A man who stabbed his victim five times was locked up.

James Jackson, from Sevenoaks, stabbed his victim five times in the chest, shoulders and arms.

James Jackson was jailed after repeatedly stabbing his victim

Jackson of Greatness Mill Court, was sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court last month and the court heard the stabbing happened on April 4 when the victim visited the defendant at his home.

Both men were talking inside the house when Jackson suddenly attacked his visitor who was in his 20s.

The man thought his attacker was punching him at first but then realised Jackson was holding a knife and he had been stabbed, so he fled the address and members of the public helped him before paramedics were called.

He was taken to hospital and treated for five stab wounds and Jackson, 25, was later arrested and charged and later pleaded guilty to wounding at the same court and he was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment.

The jail term included a sentence for robbery and criminal damage committed in 2021. Jackson pleaded guilty to assaulting a taxi driver who had been taking him from Tunbridge Wells to his home when he stole a quantity of cash before damaging the vehicle.

Curtis Webb

A man suffered life-threatening injuries after being repeatedly stabbed in a terrifying 40-second ordeal.

Curtis Webb, 26, from Ashford, was jailed for more than seven years after subjecting the victim to the "horrific" attack following an evening in Wetherspoons in Margate.

Curtis Webb repeatedly stabbed the victim after an evening at Wetherspoon in Margate. Picture: British Transport Police

The 46-year-old man was airlifted to London hospital to undergo surgery for severe injuries after he'd driven into Birchington station’s car park shortly before 1am on January 14.

Moments later Webb entered the car park having taken a taxi from the Margate pub and he approached the driver-side door, opened it and there was a confrontation between him and the victim.

CCTV cameras covering the car park captured Webb subjecting the victim to a frenzied 40-second attack, during which he repeatedly stabbed him with a knife.

The victim fled and was found lying on the ground by shocked passers-by with laceration wounds to his head, neck and shoulders and was airlifted to hospital and later Webb was stopped by police in a car on the A28 and arrested and said to officers: "Is the guy all right?"

A large kitchen knife and a hammer were recovered from the vehicle and Webb, of Newton Green, appeared at Snaresbrook Crown Court where he pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm and he was jailed for seven years and six months.

John Justin

A sex predator was locked up for 12 years and branded a "monster" for carrying out terrifying attacks on a child.

John Justin had carried out his vile sex assaults and then "cruelly" tried to paint his accuser as a liar.

John Justin, of Wollaston Close was jailed at Maidstone Crown Court

The 52-year-old, of Wollaston Close, Gillingham, remained unmoved in the dock as the judge told him: "These courts regularly see cases of serious sexual offences against children but some are truly awful in their nature. This is such a one.

"All too often victims are left utterly broken by their ordeal.

"She will be feeling the consequences of your offending for the rest of her life."

He added: "Someone doing what you did would be regarded as a monster."

After sending Justin to the cells to begin his sentence, Judge Robert Lazarus addressed the victim who was listening to the case by video link and told her: "I really wish that you will have a full recovery."

Michael Maloney

Householders in Tunbridge Wells could breathe a sigh of relief after a prolific burglar who plagued the area for years was banned from the town for 10 years.

Michael Maloney, 42, raided high-value properties for more than 25 years – despite receiving jail sentences.

Michael Maloney was jailed for six years. Picture: Kent Police

After again conspiring to steal from more secluded and well-off properties, a judge issued a Criminal Behaviour Order barring him from going to the town.

Maloney, of Nettle Way, Minster, Sheppey, admitted a burglary conspiracy and received a sentence of six years.

His barrister Craig Evans told Maidstone Crown Court the father-of-three welcomes the ban as he wants to quit thieving.

Prosecutor Andrew Forsyth told how a cleaner spotted one raid in Broadwater Down after the occupants were holidaying abroad.

He said: "Tools had been used to remove a safe which had £1,200 and £115,650 in high-grade watches and £4,400 in jewellery.

Police later seized a mobile phone from Moloney and discovered it contained images of the watches.

Martin Kamesa

A county line dealer who brought Class A drugs from the Midlands to Kent was jailed.

Martin Kamesa admitted being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin following an investigation by Kent Police's County Lines and Gangs Team.

Martin Kamesa: jailed county lines dealer. Picture: Kent Police

Kamesa, 24, of Gipsy Lane, Birmingham, was given a sentence of three years and nine months at Canterbury Crown Court last month after detectives investigated the "CJ" county line after it sent messages to drug users in Thanet from March 2022.

Inquiries suggested a dealer was bringing heroin and crack cocaine from the West Midlands and was using someone locally to help distribute the drugs.

Kamesa was identified as the runner from Birmingham and he was arrested in the city in August and brought to Kent for questioning.

Further investigation identified Donna Green, 42, as the person assisting Kamesa and she was arrested in Margate a week later.

Green, of no fixed address, also admitted being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin and was given a suspended sentence at the same court hearing.

Harry Garratty

A mum-of-two who moved an armed burglar to want to change his ways after confronting him at her home was praised for her courage and compassion.

Chevon Eneh, from Chatham, was confronted by the raider brandishing a crowbar who demanded her car keys and phone.

Harry Garratty, of Shepperton Close, Chatham was given a six-year jail sentence for burglary. Picture: Kent Police

But a judge at Maidstone Crown Court heard how she talked Harry Garratty into handing them back after she told him she needed them to collect her child.

And last month - the 36-year-old crook revealed he is turning his life around - thanks to her kindness.

But it didn't stop Judge Charles MacDonald KC from handing Garratty an eight-and-a-half year extended jail sentence for the robbery.

Prosecutor Martin Yale revealed how, on July 24 last year Ms Eneh, returned to her home, intending to later collect her children from school and that she hadn't realised Garratty had used a crowbar to open a patio window and ransacked several rooms as she arrived home.

Garratty, of Shepperton Close, Chatham was given an immediate six-year jail sentence and told he would have to serve two-thirds before he can be considered for release and would have to serve another two-and-a-half years on licence once he is free.

Daniel Frake

Survivors watched their "psychopathic" serial rapist - who tied one woman up and attacked another at a festival - jailed for 17 years.

Daniel Frake, formerly of Ashford, subjected three victims to sustained sexual violence between 2007 and 2014.

Rapist Daniel Frake, formerly of Ashford, was jailed for 17 years

The 39-year-old pleaded guilty to raping one woman before trial but denied assaulting a further two, claiming sex was consensual.

But jurors convicted Frake of two counts of rape and sexual assault following a trial at Canterbury Crown Court in April.

A judge branded the former plumber "remorseless" and "narcissistic" last month when he jailed him.

One victim described Frake's actions as having destroed her life, while one survivor labelled her attacker a "psychopath."

Frake raped two women, also sexually assaulting one of them, in Ashford between 2007 and 2012, he then targeted another in Margate in 2014 and then raped another woman while stifling her screams inside a festival in the Ashford district in 2010.

Frake, of Elm Grove Road in Salisbury, Wiltshire, will have to serve two thirds of his custodial sentence before being considered for parole, then a further four on licence.

David Haley

A convicted sex offender from Marden who was caught accessing images of child sexual abuse on his mobile phone was jailed for four years.

David Haley ignored measures imposed by the courts to prevent him from reoffending and also used the device to share illegal images online and fantasise about abusing young children.

David Haley was jailed last month. Picture: Kent Police

Haley had previously been sentenced in 2015 to more than six years imprisonment for a sexual assault and other offences related to indecent images of children.

Upon his release, he was made subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order which restricted his use of devices able to access the internet.

But on September 5 last year, officers made an unannounced visit to his home in Ballard Close, Marden and discovered the 40-year-old had been accessing hundreds of illegal images, which included child sexual abuse.

Haley was charged with three counts of making indecent images of children and two counts of possessing extreme pornographic images and was further charged with breaching a sexual harm prevention order and for failing to comply with a notification requirement, relating to the sex offenders register.

He admitted the offences at Maidstone Crown Court and was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment with an extended licence period of a further four years. He will remain on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Anthony Pemberthy and Stephen Davenport

Two men, who took part in ram-raids across the county, causing nearly £2 million in damage and loss of revenue, received jail sentences totalling more than 16 years.

Police believe a gang planned and carried out the six raids on ATMs netting them more than £300,000 - and costing £1.6 million in damages and lost revenue.

Anthony Pemberthy and Stephen Davenport

The ramraids took place in Dover, Cranbrook, Northfleet, Dargate and Staplehurst.

Father of seven Anthony Pemberthy, 44, of Calder Road, Maidstone and Stephen Davenport, 61, of Ashford Road, Harrietsham admitted taking part in the raids.

Davenport, who admitted two burglary charges and two causing criminal damage charges, was jailed for seven-and-a-half years and Pemberthy, who admitted six similar charges, was jailed for eight years and nine months.

Prosecutor Patrick Dennis told Maidstone Crown Court: "These two defendants are organised professional criminal ATM ram-raiders.

"In short, they steal JCB diggers and use them to ram-raid ATMs to steal cash."

Connor Gibbs

A county lines drug dealer who sold heroin and crack cocaine was jailed after police found phones, cash and knives during a search.

Connor Gibbs was arrested after police received information suggesting he was using a property near Radnor Park in Folkestone as a base to deal drugs in May and June.

Connor Gibbs was jailed for county lines drug dealing in Folkestone

They carried out a warrant at the address in July and seized two phones, £900 in cash, scales and two knives.

Gibbs was arrested and an examination of the phones found messages offering Class A drugs to users from the 'Reds' county line.

The 24-year-old was charged with being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin and admitted the charges at Folkestone Magistrates' Court the day after his arrest.

He was sentenced to three years and eight months at Canterbury Crown Court last month.

DC Karl Shonhard, of Kent Police’s County Lines and Gangs Team, said: "Drug dealing networks like the one Gibbs was a member of bring knock-on crime, anti-social behaviour and misery to the areas where they traffic drugs."

Tyger Walker

A drunk thug was jailed for punching a defenceless street pastor in the face just months after he was spared prison for another booze-fuelled attack.

Tyger Walker, 20, pledged never to touch alcohol again after he dodged prison in January for repeatedly whipping a stranger with a belt in Ashford town centre.

Tyger Walker was locked up last month

But just six months later, and while heavily intoxicated, he set upon a 77-year-old volunteer tending to a woman in the town's high street.

Prosecutors told how Walker approached Terence Golding - a community stalwart made an MBE in 2014 - and “for no reason whatsoever punched the pastor in the face, knocking him to the floor”.

Canterbury Crown Court was told the assault happened in July of this year, just three weeks after he was arrested after being found in possession of cannabis and cocaine.

It also followed a previous court hearing in January, when he was given a suspended prison sentence for the belt attack in September of last year and was told his 10-month jail term would only be activated if he found himself in trouble within a year.

The drugs possession and attack on Mr Golding put him in breach of the suspended sentence and after Walker pleaded guilty to assault by beating, a public disorder offence and possession of a Class A and Class B drug, Judge Catherine Brown activated eight months of his suspended sentence and handed him a further four months for the assault offence.

Firad Muhammed

A man who sent "flirtatious" messages to his victim's wife after shooting him in the legs on his own doorstop was jailed.

Firad Muhammed went to a home in Bromley and when the victim – a 32-year-old man – answered the door, he fired two shots from a handgun and fled the scene.

Firad Muhammed, 28, of Ellison Gardens, Ealing, was jailed for 28 years. Picture: Met Police

The attack occurred on October 20, 2020 in Chingley Close.

With no obvious motive for the shooting, Met detectives Ben Briselden and Imran Hansraj carried out extensive phone analysis.

They found incriminating Facebook messages between Muhammed and the victim's wife.

The messages, many of which were flirtatious or romantic in nature, included some that revealed Muhammed expressing regret that he had come to the victim's home address to shoot him and stating he should have done it in a different location in Bromley.

The 28-year-old, of Ellison Gardens, Ealing, was arrested and charged with attempted murder and possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and was sentenced to 28 years' imprisonment at Inner London Crown Court last month after being found guilty of both offences during a trial in July. He must serve at least two-thirds of his sentence in jail.

Michael Rodriguez

A knifeman dubbed "the grim reaper" by his victim was jailed after attacking a former school pal in a town centre.

Michael Rodriguez was initially charged with attempted murder after stabbing Aleksander Dimitrov in the abdomen and near his spine with a 10-inch kitchen knife in the middle of Tunbridge Wells.

Michael Rodriguez, 22. Picture: Kent Police

The 21-year-old victim later revealed: "I remember seeing all the blood coming out of me and thought I was dying."

The court heard how on February 12 Mr Dimitrov went to Tunbridge Wells with his friend for lunch and had parked in the car park outside Fenwick at around 1.15pm and were walking along Goods Station Road.

Prosecutor Patrick Dennis said: "The defendant was coincidentally walking the other way towards the victim and his friend. He was armed with a 10-inch kitchen knife and Mr Dimitrov was on his phone trying to pay for his parking when he heard a voice shouting aggressively."

Rodriguez, of Warren Gardens, Hadlow, stabbed Mr Dimitrov once in the abdomen and punched him in the face before returning and stabbing him a second time near his spine before running away.

In his statement, the victim said “he looked so angry, he looked like death, he looked like the grim reaper”.

Rodriguez, who is 22, was sent to prison for five years and nine months after admitting wounding with intent and possessing a knife and the judge imposed an extended jail term of another two years which will be served on licence once he is released. The attempted murder charge was dropped by the CPS.

David Cooper

A thief who preyed upon vulnerable elderly women sat crying in the dock as a court heard of his "cowardly and despicable" crimes.

Pretending to be a hedge cutter, David Cooper ransacked their homes to help himself to treasured jewellery and money.

David Cooper, of Cinder Hill Wood, Matfield, was jailed after ransacking the homes of two elderly women near Tunbridge Wells. Picture: Kent Police

The burglar entered the homes of two women – both were aged 88 – in Hawkhurst and Matfield, near Tunbridge Wells.

The first victim discovered Cooper inside her house in Matfield on August 3 and the dad-of-three told her he was collecting money for clearing up hedge trimmings before leaving.

She later found her bedroom drawers emptied and that jewellery including her mother’s wedding ring had been stolen.

Three days later, he knocked on the door of an address in Hawkhurst, saying he was a neighbour and had been cutting her hedge, however, no items were found to have been stolen the woman's home but he demand money from her and pushed her.

Judge Philip St John-Stevens heard he struck after being released early from an eight-year stretch for identical burglaries.

The 52-year-old, of Cinder Hill Wood, Matfield, was charged with two counts of burglary which he admitted and was sentenced to six years' imprisonment.

Scott Shipwright

A "terrifying" bully punched and strangled a woman before slamming her head into a wall - while bizarrely declaring she was injuring herself.

Domestic abuser Scott Shipwright, of Sevenoaks, spun a web of lies claiming his former partner self-harmed.

Scott Shipwright, of Sevenoaks, was jailed for three years. Picture: Facebook

But the conniving 48-year-old was jailed last month for three years after being found guilty of actual bodily harm after carrying out “shocking” abuse against the frightened and isolated woman.

The father-of-two returned to his home with his on-off girlfriend after visiting Wetherspoons in High Street, Sevenoaks, with friends on May 27.

The building site foreman punched her in the face after a row broke out and, to her disbelief, immediately denied delivering the blow, his trial at Canterbury Crown Court heard.

Sounding distressed from behind a screen, the brave woman told jurors the strike almost knocked her down and that moments later, he had his hands around her neck while hitting her head against a wall.

After she begged him to drive her to her Hertfordshire home and to her disbelief when she got out, Shipwright of Stone Street, asked for an apology, jurors were told.

He was acquitted of making threats to kill but handed a five-year restraining order and jurors heard he had two previous convictions for battery against an ex-wife and battery against a man she was with, alongside using threatening language.

Ashley Southgate

A property tycoon was jailed after making threats to kill his ex-lover and sending a revealing photograph to her mother.

Millionaire Ashley Southgate also set up fake Facebook accounts in the name of John Smith to abuse the woman who was 23 years his junior.

Ashley Southgate, from Maidstone, was jailed for abusing his ex-girlfriend, coercive behaviour and sending a revealing photograph to the woman's parents

The victim revealed how she had fled to Australia to escape her relationship with the "narcissist" bully who boasts a £4 million property portfolio.

Southgate, 56, of Pickering Road, Maidstone was jailed for 19 months after admitting coercive and controlling behaviour. He has also been banned for four years from contacting the victim or her family.

Prosecutor Kieran Brand, prosecuting, told Maidstone Crown Court: "Southgate and the 33-year-old complainant were in a relationship for around three years.

"She said that he is jealous of her relationship with her family and she found him intimidating, accusing her of dressing slutty and if she goes out, he wants to know where, when, and who she is with and it has caused her to lose her circle of friends."

Mr Brand said he would tell her not to come into her bedroom because she was dressed like "a complete slut", but when she did he grabbed her round the throat with both hands, forced her on the bed, and screamed in her face.

The prosecutor told how she went to Australia and on Boxing Day in 2020, Southgate received a police caution for sending indecent pictures of her to her parents, but a year later, he sent her mother more images including images where part of her breasts were visible.

Keith Goodearl

A victim subjected to a campaign of abuse as a child broke her silence after she helped put the monster behind bars for 16 years.

Former Medway bus driver Keith Goodearl was found guilty of attempted rape, sex assaults and other indecent acts against three youngsters in Sheerness and Staffordshire.

Keith Goodearl, 54, was jailed for 16 years after he was found guilty of multiple child sexual offences. Picture: Facebook

One of his Kent victims, who asked to remain anonymous, says she reported him to police after nearly three decades living with the "horrendous guilt" of her ordeal.

In that time she has suffered from PTSD, couldn't have physical relationships without feeling sick or crying and has even tried to take her own life.

Last month he was finally brought to justice, but not before one last trauma while she was giving evidence at Stafford Crown Court, she opened her hotel curtains to see him standing outside, setting off her first ever panic attack.

She told KentOnline what began as inappropriate touching escalated until, at one point, he tried to rape her.

Goodearl, 54, was found guilty of one count of attempted rape, two counts of indecent assault, one count of attempted sexual assault and one count of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child.

The offences took place in Tamworth and Burton between 1986 and 2001 and in Sheerness, between 2007 and 2011.

Jamie Gillett

A registered sex offender was jailed after breaching his sexual harm prevention order.

Jamie Gillett, of St John’s Road Gillingham, was convicted in 2018 for sexual offences involving children.

Jamie Gillett was locked up last month. Picture: Kent Police

Since the 25-year-old was released from prison, he has had to follow strict conditions on his behaviour, including restrictions around his interaction with any children, possession of mobile phones or computers and use of the internet.

On May 13 this year, Gillett did not attend a police station to sign his annual sex offender notification, and officers arrested him at his home on May 26.

When searching his property, police found a mobile phone that was fully charged and hidden behind a wardrobe, and a games console that had access to the internet.

He was later charged with four counts of failure to comply with notification requirements and four counts of completing actions prohibited by the sexual harm prevention order.

Gillett pleaded guilty at Maidstone Crown Court last month and he was sentenced to two years and two months in prison.

This also included sentencing for two counts of failing to comply with notification requirements in 2021.

David Fitzgerald

An arms dealer who used a secret encrypted phone to sell guns was locked up for 11-and-a-half years.

David Fitzgerald, 58, was convicted by a jury of a conspiracy to sell illegal firearms.

David Fitzgerald from Biddenden was jailed for more than eleven years following attempts to sell prohibited firearms and ammunition. Picture: Kent Police

He had earlier admitted seven other gun charges involving weapons found at his home in Headcorn Road, Biddenden.

The judge, Recorder Sarah Counsell told him one of the people he had been dealing with was later convicted for drug dealing.

Patrick Dennis, prosecuting, said: "EncroChat was an encrypted communications platform. It was the platform of choice for serious criminals for part of the time we are concerned about, in April 2020."

Mr Dennis said: "In the wardrobe of this bedroom was a rucksack and this contained a tied blue plastic bag which contained a 7.65mm calibre self loading pistol and a magazine which was successfully test fired and found to be in working order. "

Police also discovered cartridges with full metal jacket bullets and two Luger pistols and at a storage unit in Headcorn Lane, Headcorn, leased by Fitzgerald, where officers also located a rifle and he was charged with conspiracy to sell or transfer prohibited weapons, possessing a prohibited pistol, possessing a firearm without a certificate (the rifle) and four counts of possessing firearm ammunition without a certificate.

He pleaded guilty to all the counts except conspiracy to sell or transfer prohibited weapons which he was convicted of after a trial at Maidstone Crown Court.

Moyazzam Hossain

A stalker who followed his victim to several locations in Kent including a women's shelter, was jailed for four years and nine months.

Moyazzam Hossain, 38, was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court last month after admitting stalking.

Moyazzam Hossain was jailed for four years after admitting stalking. Picture: Kent Police

Police were contacted by a women's refuge in Dover in January after concerns that Hossain had been looking for someone who was staying at the centre.

Inquiries by the east Kent vulnerability investigation team found the woman had left another area of the country due to concerns about Hossain's behaviour towards her.

The woman had initially moved to a shelter elsewhere in the country, but Hossain had later approached her in the street.

The victim then moved to a shelter in Margate, before moving again, this time to Dover, after his vehicle was seen in Thanet.

Police were informed after Hossain, of High Wycombe, was seen in Dover and he was arrested in the town on the same day.

As part of his sentence, an indefinite restraining order was imposed, to protect the victim following his release.

Rhiannon Thomas

A woman launched a shocking five-month crimewave in which she terrorised a family, caused chaos at a skatepark and stole two chocolate mousses from Poundland.

Rhiannon Thomas, from Hythe, also tried to kick a dog before punching its owner, swiped a wallet from an elderly man in a wheelchair and slapped a security guard.

Rhiannon Thomas was locked up for a year. Picture: Kent Police

But the 33-year-old's astonishing spree of offences across Folkestone and Ashford - often committed while drunk - is finally at an end, as she was locked up last month.

Thomas, of St John Moore Avenue, was charged with various offences in relation to the incidents. These included possession of a knife, threatening behaviour, five counts of common assault, theft, five counts of shoplifting, two counts of failing to surrender to custody and committing an offence while on a conditional discharge as well as criminal damage.

She admitted the offences when she appeared at Folkestone Magistrates' Court in August and October and was due to be sentenced at the same court last month.

However, a warrant was issued for her arrest as she failed to show up, but later in the afternoon, she did appear and was sentenced over all the matters.

Neil Sweeney, prosecuting, told the court Thomas has previous convictions for possession of an offensive weapon dating back to 2003 - and in July 2020 even threatened a man with a razor blade and swung it at him.

Mr Sweeney said she had been given a jail term for that offence and one of actual bodily harm and served a 14-and-a-half month sentence.

For the latest offences, Thomas was jailed for 12 months.

Rawand Khshman

A teenager who stole bank cards and money from parked cars was jailed.

Prolific thief Rawand Khshman, 18, targeted cards in Gillingham before going to shops in town and buying things for himself.

Rawand Khshman, 18, was jailed for stealing bank cards and cash from cars in Gillingham and using them. Picture: Kent Police

Khshman, of Cleave Road, Gillingham, stole from the cars during the hours of darkness in the week between Saturday, October 15 and Saturday, October 22.

He targeted cars in Brasenose Road, Franklin Road, Beresford Road and Wigmore Road.

The teenager was arrested on Wednesday, November 23, and later charged with six thefts, three criminal damages and four frauds.

He appeared at Medway Magistrates' Court the following day where he pleaded guilty to all charges.

Khshman was jailed for one year and told to pay £900 in compensation to the victims.

PC Sophie Cordwell said: "This teenager is a prolific thief who has targeted cars parked in Gillingham to steal anything of value left inside the vehicles. Some time behind bars for this young man is entirely appropriate."

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