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Maidstone residents celebrate their 70th birthday at Queen's Platinum Jubilee afternoon tea

By: Cara Simmonds

Published: 18:45, 01 June 2022

Updated: 09:04, 06 June 2022

A group of residents have attended a special afternoon tea today, in honour of their 70th birthdays and the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Men and women from Maidstone who were born in 1952, the year Her Majesty took the throne, were encouraged by Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) to apply for their spot at the table.

The Mayor's Platinum Jubilee Afternoon Tea Party was held today in Maidstone

The special occasion was held for 200 people as part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, where a traditional afternoon tea was served in a marquee on Jubilee Square.

Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1952 and is the longest-serving British monarch.

She celebrated her Silver Jubilee of 25 years in 1977, her Golden Jubilee of 50 years in 2002 and her Diamond Jubilee of 60 years in 2012.


To commemorate the Platinum milestone, the Mayor of Maidstone, Cllr Derek Mortimer, hosted the event.

He said: "It's overwhelming to see the amount of people enjoying themselves in the middle of Maidstone High Street.

A variety of sandwiches and sweet treats were on offer, along with a cup of tea or two
The Mayor of Maidstone, Cllr Derek Mortimer, joined in with the celebrations

"Seeing everyone eating their scones and drinking tea - they are all in their element.

"At the end of the day, this is quite a unique event, and it has been an absolute success."

Friends Vivian Alderson and Carol Walford, who both went to Maidstone Grammar School for Girls, were celebrating their 70th together.

Vivian, from Lenham, had her birthday in January, and Carol, from Allington, just had hers on Monday.

Carol said: "I first saw the event on Facebook, and when I got the invite, I thought, why not bring my school friend?"

Friends Carol and Vivian, who both went to Maidstone Grammar School for Girls

"It's nice to see all the flags out, every year is always memorable.


"I think the Queen has done really well, especially for her age. I am surprised her arms haven't fallen off with all the hand-shaking!"

One attendee, Jim Spelman, even spotted his mum in one of the archive pictures at the event.

"The photograph was taken at a Coronation Party, in Perryfield Street, Maidstone, which is where I was born and used to live," he explained.

"I believe my older sister - who would have been about three or four at the time - is also in the image."

Archive photos captured from the early 1950's were on display
Jim Spelman, who will be turning 70 years old in November, and his wife

Jim added: "The afternoon tea is absolutely fantastic.

"I am here with my two friends, and Colin and Nina - who I have known for years, as we all grew up in Quarry Road, Tovil."

Julie Maddocks, Communications Manager at MBC, said: "I think it is vitally important that we actually did something for the residents of Maidstone.

"We had 70 pairs of tickets to give away, and we were inundated with applications overnight.

"It's great to see the enthusiasm, the excitement and genuine joy of people really celebrating the day."

The special occasion was held in a marquee on Jubilee Square, Maidstone

The Mayoral Afternoon Tea is just one of the many events being held across the borough of Maidstone as part of the Jubilee weekend.

Others include Maidstone Museum ‘Make It’ themed craft sessions for children, a Family Fun Day at Lockmeadow and entertainment in the town centre, with One Maidstone hosting a Bubblologist, Royal Guards and cleaners who will clean the floor whilst performing a full dance routine round their mops.

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