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A huge housing scheme in the heart of the Kent countryside has cost taxpayers millions of pounds -much of it in lawyer’s fees - and is set to rise.
Kent residents can celebrate the Year of the Wood Snake with colourful dancing lions, traditional Chinese music and street performers.
An Indian takeaway will expand and takeover a village funeral parlour as it seeks to meet demand for food orders online.
Repair bills for drivers who hit potholes, which now includes a senior county councillor, are on the up - but why are Kent’s roads in such a state?
A man has been arrested as multiple police vehicles were spotted in a town centre.
A violent offender is back behind bars after he headbutted and repeatedly stamped on a man's head during a night out enjoying birthday celebrations.
Football can resume on a school’s new £700,000 3G sports pitch after a council lifted its whistle ban.
A drug dealer who filmed himself delivering and weighing cocaine has been sentenced after police found the footage on his phone.
A road has been closed by police while officers help with a civil enforcement action.
Weather forecasters have issued a cold health alert as temperatures are expected to plummet this weekend.
A prolific shoplifter who left a man unresponsive in an attack outside a block of flats could have killed his victim, a court heard.
It was love at first sight for Secret Drinker at this village inn - but then he discovered the ghosts
A care home where inspectors saw residents with greasy hair and new staff were often “thrown in at the deep end” has been placed in special measures.
A school has been unable to use its new £700k sports pitch – after falling foul of a ban on noise from referees’ whistles.
The Army had to be called in after a father and son dredged up a Second World War hand grenade and took it home before realising what it was.
A water company says residents of one borough could be hit by low supplies after a number of bursts and leaks.
A country pub set in three acres is up for sale after the landlord retired.
Pledges to install nature-friendly features at new estates are being broken - but one Kent council has been praised for doing something about it.
A disabled pensioner has been forced to flee a new housing association home he moved to after a large chunk of the mouldy ceiling caved in on him.
The running of local councils is to change under sweeping government reforms - here is an easy guide in six questions to get your head round them.
A borough is set to spend more on cleaning toilets and recycling. but expects to lose out on revenue from cremations as it sets its next budget.
The “King of Trainers” is set to open its new store in a town centre this spring.
A Freedom of Information request has revealed the number of clinical claims relating to items left in patients after surgery at Kent’s hospitals.
Read all Kent Politics news
People, it's time to sanitise your makeup bag - plus its contents - and here's how
Games shows, football and chocolate bars – tackle the Saturday Social quiz
Firms urged to ‘up their game’ as research shows the energy suppliers not meeting customers' expectations.
These good-time wines all cost less that a tenner and are right on point.
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Gillingham manager John Coleman has been hit with a double blow in the forward department.
Gillingham’s former boss Stephen Clemence is out of work again after being sacked by Barrow.
Maidstone’s four-month unbeaten run in National League South is over after losing at Chesham.
Gillingham manager John Coleman felt there were signs of improvement in the team but defeat hurt.
John Coleman’s first game in charge of Gillingham ended in defeat at Priestfield on Saturday.
Chairman Brad Galinson hopes a new management team can bring the spark needed to get Gillingham’s promotion challenge back on track.
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