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Maidstone travel group Teston Tours to close after 25 years

By: Alan Smith

Published: 05:00, 03 October 2022

Updated: 14:40, 03 October 2022

A much-loved community travel organisation that has brought joy to thousands over its 25-year history is to close.

Teston Tours was founded in Maidstone by Alan Hayes in 1997 and run by him, with the assistance of a few loyal supporters, ever since.

Alan Hayes is closing Teston Tours after 25 years

But Mr Hayes has decided it's time to call it a day.

Mr Hayes, of Fairlawn Close, Teston, said: "There are many factors for the closure. The current economic situation is not helping. We were also badly affected by Covid.

"Many of the people who travel with us are elderly, and during lockdown, some have developed mobility problems that make it difficult to travel, while very sadly, others have died."


Teston Tours arose out of a community coffee morning in Teston Village Hall.

Teston Tours trip to the River Danube

Mr Hayes said: "Several people said they enjoyed a coach outing and asked me if I would organise one.

"I did and our first trip was to Eastbourne. It was supposed to be a one-off, but people enjoyed it so much that as soon as they got back they said: 'Where are we going next?'"

Teston Tours was born.

The next trip was to Brighton, but as the excursions grew more popular so the ambition expanded. Soon the not-for-profit company was running three-day trips and travelling abroad as well as to places in England.

Trips have included a cruise on the River Danube, a visit to the Titanic Experience in Belfast, an adventure in Andalusia, a tour around Lake Garda and a visit to Paris, as well as the more conventional outings to venues such as Highclere Castle, the Houses of Parliament and Kensington Palace.

Read more!
A day at Royal Ascot with Teston Tours

Mr Hayes said: "We 've visited more than 30 countries in three continents.

"It's just been the most wonderful time."


Initially the customers all came from Teston, the village, near Maidstone that has been Mr Hayes' home since 1991, but as word spread, others across Maidstone signed up, and the travel club now has around 500 members.

They have commonly been offered between 16 and 20 trips a year, with all those on the membership list given a chance to vote at the start of the season for the venues to visit.

Mr Hayes said: "We usually fill one coach, that's 52 people, and sometimes two.

"We have a lot of regulars, some come on almost every trip."

A Teston Tours visit to the Suffolk Coast

Mr Hayes knows why the outings had proved so popular. He said: "It's the friendly, family atmosphere. Everyone soon gets to know the others and new travellers have always been looked after, not just by me, but also by the old hands."

But the organisation has been hard work for Mr Hayes, who is now 73, and has never drawn a wage for his efforts.

He said: "I've really enjoyed meeting people and making so many friends, but I have dedicated my life to it.

"But when I'm on a trip of course I'm working, making sure everything runs smoothly. I don't get to relax and enjoy it in quite the same way as the people who come with us do."

A Teston Tours visit to Paris

Mr Hayes, a former police officer, now hopes to enjoy his own retirement a bit more, with his wife Diane. He said: "There are lots of places I'd like to see myself - I'd like to go back to Northumberland for example."

Sadly, no-one is prepared to step into Mr Hayes' shoes, so the club will close after its final trip in December.

He said: "Of course, there's a lot of very disappointed people."

There are three adventures left to have. Teston Tours is running a trip to see Grease - The Musical at the Dominion Theatre in London's West End on October 13. Then on November 23, there's a trip to see Voulez Vous Aha, with Abba tribute band Abba Chique, on board the Teresa Joanne boat moored in the King George V Docks in London.

Cynthia Robertson said the tour group is so welcoming

The grand finale will be a three-day excursion to see the Blenheim Palace Christmas Market and Light Trail, followed by a visit to Oxford, departing on December 11.

Details of how to book from the Teston Tours website here.

Cynthia Robertson from Ernest Drive, Allington, has been taking Teston Tours excursions for 17 years. She said: "I've probably done more than 40 trips and always thoroughly enjoyed them."

She said: "Alan Hayes is such a modest man. He probably doesn't realise how much joy he has brought to so many people.

"From the moment you step on board it's been like one big family outing.

One Teston Tours excursion was to the Eden Project

"I lost my husband in 2012, but even when travelling single you were immediately welcomed and made to feel part of everything. I'm so sad Teston Tours is closing."

When business was suspended during the Covid lockdown, Mr Hayes took up his pen and wrote a history of the tour group, from how it started, through some of the many adventures.

The 137-page illustrated booklet is priced at £12, and can be ordered by email from Mr Hayes on

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