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Sheerness man saved by pet dog during high street flat fire

By: Megan Carr

Published: 05:00, 19 April 2023

Updated: 14:12, 19 April 2023

A much-loved dog who died in a horrific flat fire saved his owner's life.

Kevin Record had been asleep in his Sheerness High Street flat on Monday when his XL American bully, Shogun, woke him up and alerted him to the blaze.

Kevin Record and his dog, Shogun, from Sheerness. Picture: Gemma Servante

The 43-year-old, known as Kev, is currently in intensive care at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead – where 20% of his body is covered in burns.

His sister, Gemma Servante from Minster, explained that without Shogun her brother wouldn't be here today.

The 39-year-old said: "His burns are all over his body but the worst are on his hand and feet.


"He has lost all the skin on his hands and feet. He is lucky to be alive but his whole world was gone in seconds.

"That little doggy saved his life. Shogun jumped over him, that is what woke him up and alerted him to the fire.

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The damage caused by the fire at a flat in Sheerness High Street. Picture: Angela Croall

"When Kev woke up at first he was a little disorientated. He ran to the window, one of them didn't open, so he tried the second one.

"When that opened he inhaled fresh air because he'd been breathing in the smoke.

"But when he turned around what was a little fire just 10 seconds before had quickly engulfed the whole flat."

Gemma explained that due to the intensity of the flames there was smoke everywhere and Kev's visibility was reduced to nothing.

She continued: "He couldn't see the dog any more. Kev was feeling around for Shogun because he couldn't see and was screaming his name but he couldn't find him."

Shogun woke Kevin Record up and alerted him of the fire. Picture: Gemma Servante

Kev, a charity shop volunteer, only moved in to his flat above the Capelli salon a couple of months ago.


Gemma said: "Kev had to run through the flames to get out of his front door.

"He was just in his boxers and he had to run through the fire to get out, that is why the worst of his burns are on the soles of his feet – he has no skin left on one of them.

"Seconds after he got out, the windows blew. He didn't have time to stop and get his phone or shoes or anything.

Shogun has been Kevin Record's pet since he was six weeks old. Picture: Gemma Servante

"He is so lucky that he got out. If Shogun hadn't woken him up, if Kev had been asleep for just another 10 seconds it would have been very different.

"This dog was a hero."

Four fire crews were sent and had left the scene by 4am. They believe the blaze started accidentally while an e-scooter was being charged.

Kevin had had Shogun since he was six weeks old. He was five when he died.

Gemma continued: "Following some issues with his mental health Kev was finally doing so well. He'd turned his life around and that dog was a huge part of it.

"That dog was his life. The fire was so terrible but Kev would be so proud of Shogun for saving his life.

Shogun saved his owner's life in a Sheerness flat fire. Picture: Gemma Servante

"However all he keeps saying is 'my boy, my boy, I left him after all he did for me'. But I told him that there were seconds to spare.

"The whole thing is just unreal. Shogun is a hero, the whole family loved him. He was massive but so beautiful.

"I don't know what Kev is going to do without the dog."

On Tuesday hospital staff were assessing what treatment Kev will need and he is set to be transferred to the Queen Victoria Hospital burns unit.

Gemma confirmed that it is more than likely that he will need skin grafts and that he'll be in hospital for quite some time.

Following the fire Gemma has set up a GoFundMe page to help her brother get back on his feet once he has recovered.

To support Kev click here.

Shogun. Picture: Gemma Servante

She said: "He literally has nothing left.

"He has lost absolutely everything he owns in the fire, except the boxers he was wearing when he escaped.

"He is now homeless and he'll need to get everything new from a toothbrush to new clothes and furniture.

"I'm hoping to to raise some money to help him with this. We've gotten quite a lot of support already.

The Island has pulled together to help my brother and I am already so thankful."

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