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The family of a 20-year-old who died suddenly after falling ill have paid tribute to him.
A brand-new column is being launched this weekend which reviews the best and worst wine bars, cocktail lounges, and upmarket venues in Kent.
Cafes at four Kent Sainsbury’s superstores are set to close as the company plans to cut 3,000 jobs.
A sex offender who hid storage devices from officers despite having a court order has been jailed.
The county council has paid out £340k less to parents in the last year after the number winning appeals over free school transport halved.
Kent is bracing for very windy conditions tomorrow as Storm Eowyn looms, with strong gusts expected.
NHS trusts across the county have paid out millions in compensation and legal costs due to claims of medical negligence resulting in cerebral palsy.
A remote control firefighting robot which can spray 2,000 litres of water a minute has been hailed as an “exciting addition” by the fire service.
A “weather bomb” set to batter Kent this week with gale-force winds has triggered a danger to life warning.
Kent County Council has been given a £23 million government grant to support bus services across the county.
A family of a child with special needs who missed out on education for two years has been awarded more than £18,000 by Kent County Council.
A motorcyclist has been taken to hospital after being involved in a crash on a busy A-road this morning.
A landlord who flouted planning laws and refused to knock down an outbuilding in his garden is now thousands of pounds out of pocket.
Crews called to tackle a blaze in an outbuilding early this morning believe the fire was started deliberately.
A bigamist who married his teenage step-daughter while still wed to her mother has spoken out, calling the situation “weird” and “a misunderstanding”.
Repair bills for drivers who hit potholes, which now includes a senior county councillor, are on the up - but why are Kent’s roads in such a state?
A review into what went wrong when a new firm took on a £152m bin contract only for the service to descend into chaos has been discussed.
Campaigners opposed to the loss of children’s services at two Kent family centres have vowed to fight on despite a decision not to recommission them.
A former high-flying business manager who drunkenly crashed his car into the front of a house when a young boy was inside has avoided jail.
A huge revamp of a leisure complex which is part of a multi-million-pound regeneration project has been approved.
Weather forecasters have issued a cold health alert as temperatures are expected to plummet this weekend.
A mum’s on a mission to make non-league football clubs fully accessible to disabled fans after seeing the difficulties her son faced.
A healthcare firm which deals with 10,000 patients a month is still trying to get back on its feet six weeks after it had to shut down its IT system.
Read all Kent Politics news
A new survey shows owners care more about their pet’s health than their own - or a global disaster.
Who knew that the humble potato is actually a superfood you don't need to feel guilty eating?
New Government-backed train ticket retailer to be created
If Dry January is going well, just think how much 12 months off the booze will help your body.
Read all trending news
Gillingham manager John Coleman admits he’d accept the team being vulnerable at the back if it means they’re more potent in attack.
Gillingham midfielder Armani Little has a decent track record against their weekend opponents Tranmere Rovers.
Catch up with the week’s football fixtures and results here.
Manager John Coleman’s hoping for another new signing before Saturday as he looks to explore every avenue to get Gillingham ticking.
Gillingham manager John Coleman has provided an update on injured striker Josh Andrews.
John Coleman insists he’ll turn things around at Gillingham and hopes the fans will keep the faith.
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