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Friendsical musical opens with guest cameo appearance from McFly’s Harry Judd at the Orchard Theatre in Dartford

By: Sam Lawrie

Published: 10:45, 28 October 2022

Updated: 10:51, 28 October 2022

I’m not ashamed to say I know every episode of ‘90s sitcom Friends inside out, and have watched the box set on repeat for years.

I’ve also been a huge McFly fan since I was a kid, so imagine my delight when I heard that Harry Judd would be guest starring in Friendsical at the Orchard Theatre in Dartford.

Friendsical is bringing the beloved characters of Friends to the Orchard Theatre for three nights. Picture: Supplied by the Orchard Theatre

Friendsical is a comedy musical parody that squeezes all 236 Friends episodes into two hours of original music, inside jokes, unforgettable scenes and iconic sets, including the couch in Central Perk.

Each show features a cameo appearance from a guest star to mirror the star-studded guests in the TV show which included the likes of Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts.

I was skeptical about watching a new group portray my favourite characters and seeing the storylines and jokes I know so well shoe-horned into just two hours.


However, being such a huge fan ended up helping me really enjoy the show, and recognising every single quote, reference and gesture was the reason I found myself laughing most of the way through.

The show, led by Ross Geller (Nelson Bettencourt), tells the story of the 10 seasons, completely out of order and sped up by the use of surreal songs, while breaking the fourth wall to explain to us, the audience, what exactly was going on.

The musical parody is a bizarre but funny two-hour tribute to the '90s sitcom. Picture: Dylan Parrin

The plot was definitely a bit all over the place but, again, if you know the TV show then it wasn’t too hard to follow - you just had to generously suspend your disbelief and go with it.

We jumped from meeting Rachel in her wedding dress, to Chandler dumping Janice and Monica getting over Richard, to the famous ‘we were on a break’ debacle, all in the first act.

The characters were all great in their own way; Chandler (Tim Edwards) captured Matthew Perry’s mannerisms perfectly. When you thought the character couldn’t ham it up any more, Tim proved us wrong.

The show is full of memorable characters, costumes and quotes that fans will recognise and love. Picture: Dylan Parrin

The production brilliantly sent up Rachel (Amelia Muus) being the ‘hottest one’ in a way the TV show never did, and Phoebe (Ally Retberg) was wonderfully quirky.

The cast also played a handful of beloved guest characters, including the leopard-print clad Janice, Italian stallion Paolo and Chloe the Xerox girl.

Harry Judd popped in and out, desperately trying to find a character to play. He tried his hand at Joey’s dancer roommate Janine, dressed in a tutu, and crawled across the floor as Ursula’s stalker, Malcolm.


However, his star turn came when he grabbed a fake moustache and Hawaiian shirt and danced on a coffee table as Monica’s ex-boyfriend Richard Burke. It was as bizarre and entertaining as it sounds.

Harry Judd took on a number of guest characters, but ultimately found his place as Richard Burke. Picture: Supplied by the Orchard Theatre

There are plenty of memorable moments and costumes, including Ross’ leather pants and Rachel’s cheerleader uniform. For the big dance finale, we even get to catch a glimpse of The Routine.

It’s surreal and takes a beat to get into but, as a firm Friends fan, I can honestly say this was a very funny and enjoyable trip down memory lane.

Friendsical is at the Orchard Theatre, Dartford, until Saturday, October 29. Book online here or call 03433 100033.

Tickets start from £22.50, and group tickets are available.

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