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Flimsy asylum seeker boats are made with plywood an gaffer tapes, the National Crime Agency says

By: Sam Lennon

Published: 13:31, 13 December 2021

Updated: 15:04, 13 December 2021

The bottom fell out of one sloppily-made boat used by traffickers, plunging asylum seekers into the sea.

Several other small vessels used to cross the Channel to the UK have been found to be flimsily held together with gaffer tape.

The boat found on July 11 with its cpllapsed floor. Picture: National Crime Agency

One had a plywood floor and another was held together with a tyre tube float.

The National Crime Agency warns that the people smuggling gangs are using ever more dangerous and un-seaworthy boats, which it describes as "death traps."

It says that in recent months there has been a trend towards larger inflatables, sometimes up to 10 metres in length, being used.


It explains that many of these large grey or black unbranded vessels have little or no commercial use, and are being purposefully manufactured for people smugglers.

Other boats are also being adapted or improvised using sub-standard materials in attempts to increase capacity and improve rigidity.

A small boat that arrived on November 18 with a plywood floor and tape holding it together. Picture: National Crime Agency

During one attempted crossing, on July 11, the flimsy plastic bottom of a boat simply gave way, plunging the occupants into the water. They had to be rescued by the Border Force.

Several boats intercepted in the days just before a similar vessel sank in the Channel leading to the deaths of 27 people were held together using strips of gaffer tape.

On November 29, the Agency issued an alert via Interpol to worldwide law enforcement to share intelligence about the supply of boats and encourage them to ask suppliers and retailers in their jurisdictions to be on the lookout.

Martin Grace, head of organised immigration crime operations for the NCA, said: “It is clear to us that with some of the boats being used there is little or no genuine commercial use for them.

“They are likely being manufactured and sold online for the sole purpose of being used for people smuggling.”

A boat that arrived on July 25 held together with tape at the rear and bow. Picture: National Crime Agency

The NCA assesses that a high percentage of attempted Channel crossings are still facilitated by organised criminal networks of varying sophistication.


The Agency continues to look at disrupting the supply of vessels to criminal groups and target those who knowingly do so.

In November the NCA worked with French police on an operation which dismantled a gang involved in supplying boats able to carry between 40 and 60 people, and then recruiting people from camps in northern France to travel in them.

A total 18 people were arrested in the Calais, Le Havre and Paris areas.

Dan O’Mahoney, Home Office Clandestine Channel Threat Commander, said: “The recent tragedy in the Channel is a devastating reminder of the dangers of Channel crossings choreographed by organised crime groups who are profiteering from these deadly and unnecessary Channel crossings.

"The events of last month were a tragedy but not a surprise."

“We work closely with our European and international partners and police to arrest, investigate and prosecuting organised criminals, preventing numerous departures and saving lives.

“But this is a complicated issue and we are determined to do all we can to work with the NCA to tackle criminal gangs and prevent further loss of life.”

Earlier this year the NCA issued an alert to the UK maritime industry to raise awareness around organised crime activity linked to small boat supply, and continues to work with partners in the EU to dothe same there.

Mr Grace added: “While the events of last month in which at least 27 people died were an absolute tragedy, it was not a surprise when you consider the types of boats we have seen people being put in. Frankly, they are death traps.

"If you add to the increasing crowding we are seeing on these vessels, and the poor weather and colder seas of winter, it all adds to a greatly increased risk."

"The smugglers don't care if they die. They want to exploit their desperation."

“It demonstrates further to us that the people smugglers involved in these crossings don’t care about the wellbeing of those they put on the boats. They don’t care if they die. They just want to exploit their desperation for money.

“I would also re-iterate our appeal from earlier in the year to those involved in the maritime industry, both here in the UK and on the Continent. Please be on alert, and if you have suspicions around the purchase of the kinds of items that can be used in these crossings, please report it.”

Potentially suspicious activity might include:

Cash being used in large sums to make payment.

Unusual combination of boats and equipment in one transaction.

A boat that arrived on November 22, two days before the mass drowning, held together with tape and a tyre tube float. Picture: National Crime Agency

Enquiries about bulk purchase of equipment i.e. life jackets.

Repeat purchasing of boats and/or equipment from the same retailer.

Lack of concern about the condition of the boat or equipment being purchased, or an indication that it may not be for the buyers’ use.

Customers wanting to complete their transaction and collection as quickly as possible.

Online buyers travelling to collect the boat and/or avoiding providing a fixed delivery address.

A boat found on November 18 with a plywood floor. Picture: National Crime Agency
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National Crime Agency officers continue to work with law enforcement partners in France, Belgium and further afield to stop the people smuggling.

The NCA alone has around 50 ongoing investigations linked to the top tiers of organised immigration crime, and since the start of the 2021 has been involved in more than 140 arrests.

The drowning of the 27 asylum seekers, off the Calais coast on November 24, was the single worst tragedy in the present trend of asylum seekers trying to reach the UK in small craft.

This method has been constantly used over the last three years with many rescued by the Border Force and brought back to Dover for interview and processing.

Other asylum seekers have been rescued by the RNLI while, in addition, some boatloads of people have landed on beaches in areas such as Thanet, Kingsdown near Deal and Dungeness.

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