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Maidstone man jailed after fly-tipping incidents across Medway and Isle of Sheppey

By: Alex Langridge

Published: 19:30, 24 March 2022

Updated: 14:33, 25 March 2022

A man hired to remove rubbish from people's homes has been caught after he dumped a fridge-freezer and sofa on the roadside.

Josh Allen runs a waste removal company but following the incidents has been banned from being involved with any business that collects, transports or processes controlled waste.

Waste dumped in Longhill Avenue, Chatham. Picture: Medway Council

In July 2019, Swale Borough Council was notified of fly-tipping incidents in Shellness Road and Thomsett Way, Queenborough, where construction waste, a fridge-freezer, wood and plastics had been dumped.

An investigation found the 30-year-old had been hired by two members of the same family to remove rubbish from their homes. The council contacted Allen but he failed to respond.

Almost a year later in April 2020, Medway Council was notified that a sofa had been fly-tipped in Fox Street, Gillingham.


A witness said they had seen a man with a van at the location several times before and after the sofa was abandoned.

Council officers were also notified of another incident in Brompton Road, Gillingham, where tree cuttings and household waste had been left.

An investigation found that Allen had been hired by a resident from Wainscott who confirmed that some of the dumped items had been taken by Allen.

Sofa dumped in Fox Street, Gillingham. Picture: Medway Council

The next month Medway Council was again contacted after household waste was found in Longhill Avenue, Chatham, which included post addressed to a couple in Chatham.

Council officers visited the house and were told that they had arranged for Allen to collect and dispose of the rubbish.

In July 2021 a couple renovating a property in Snodland found a removal company on Facebook called Rapid Waste Collection which they hired.

A few days later waste was found in a field in Wouldham Road, Rochester, which included a letter addressed to one of the residents.


An investigation discovered that the company the pair had hired was run by Allen.

Allen ,of Frittenden Road, Staplehurst, pleaded guilty to all five charges at Medway Magistrates’ Court on February 4.

He was later jailed for 20 weeks and ordered to pay £700 compensation.

A Criminal Behaviour Order banning Allen from involvement in waste companies was also put in place until March 14, 2027.

Cllr Jane Chitty, Medway Council’s portfolio holder covering enforcement, said: "Fly-tipping is completely unacceptable and, as demonstrated by the result of this case, will not be tolerated in Medway.

"We know how important it is for waste to be disposed of properly and we investigate all fly-tipping incidents and remain committed to identifying and prosecuting offenders.

"Residents are not prepared to see their environment blighted by fly-tipping and I would like to thank them for continuing to report incidents to us.

"The defendant in this case had no respect for residents or the environment and I would like to thank all the agencies, including Kent Police, who worked together to ensure he was prosecuted."

Cllr Jane Chitty branded fly-tipping as "unacceptable"

Cllr Chiity encouraged people employing a company, or a man with a van, to remove waste from their homes to check they have a valid waste carriers’ licence by calling the Environment Agency on 08708 506506.

Kent Police's District Commander for Medway, Chief Inspector Shona Lowndes, added: "Flytipping is an unacceptable crime which blights the local community.

"Allen’s sentencing is wholly deserved and should serve as a message to others who commit similar offences."

To report fly-tipping in Medway, visit here.

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