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Officers have spoken to a 20-year-old man following a report about a sex attack in an alleyway.
Students too traumatised to return to their rented house after finding their friend dead inside face a £6,500 demand from their landlord.
A teenager will remain on bail as police continue to probe a crash which killed his girlfriend.
Detectives investigating a serious sexual assault in a car park have circulated a CCTV image of a man they want to question.
A student who fled war crimes in Azerbaijan is being forced to cough up £15,000 in overseas student fees - despite living in the UK since she was 13.
A teenager remains in a stable condition in hospital after suffering stab wounds.
UK Power Networks says work is vital to ensure energy is maintained to 2,000 homes
Arson reckoned to be the reason why four-storey unit caught fire
Video: A dashboard camera has captured a Jeep's string of near misses as the driver attempted to overtake on Kent's most dangerous road.
A man arrested after sparking a full-scale security alert when he drove his car into a police station yard is now in the care of health teams.
Part of a city centre was sealed off as detectives investigated a suspicious vehicle parked at police station.
The owner of a popular club has failed in an attempt to extend opening times to 6am on weekends.
A man has appeared in court accused of health and safety failures relating to the death of a 21-year-old fitter.
Street marshals will be on hand to prevent noise and anti social behaviour in a city which is home more than 30,000 students.
Canterbury City Council says it is under no obligation to house refugees as it faces a "crippling" need for homes from more than 2,000 local people.
Ch Insp Mark Arnold says crimes involving weapons are no worse in Canterbury than anywhere else.
Former boyband member and international DJ Marvin Humes is booked to play a set at a new Kent bar.
Offensive fake staff recruitment posters have left landlords mystified after several were pasted up near a popular pub.
A colony of Britain's largest beetles - which can grow up to five inches long - have been discovered in Kent.
Torrential rain has left a 10in-deep puddle in a residential street.