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There is disappointment at the lack of progress in reducing speed limits on a key route.
A “weather bomb” set to batter Kent this week with gale-force winds has triggered a danger to life warning.
Kent County Council has been given a £23 million government grant to support bus services across the county.
A family of a child with special needs who missed out on education for two years has been awarded more than £18,000 by Kent County Council.
The owners of a countryside holiday let have revealed plans to expand the business in the hopes of bringing something new to the area.
A Chinese takeaway risks losing its licence after it was found to be employing several people without the right to work in the UK.
The county council has been urged to look north for inspiration to end a six-year deadlock on a much-needed junction improvement.
Repair bills for drivers who hit potholes, which now includes a senior county councillor, are on the up - but why are Kent’s roads in such a state?
Football can resume on a school’s new £700,000 3G sports pitch after a council lifted its whistle ban.
Weather forecasters have issued a cold health alert as temperatures are expected to plummet this weekend.
A railway attraction popular with families needs to replace a crucial bridge at a cost of £300,000.
A school has been unable to use its new £700k sports pitch – after falling foul of a ban on noise from referees’ whistles.
A country pub set in three acres is up for sale after the landlord retired.
Pledges to install nature-friendly features at new estates are being broken - but one Kent council has been praised for doing something about it.
The running of local councils is to change under sweeping government reforms - here is an easy guide in six questions to get your head round them.
A borough is set to spend more on cleaning toilets and recycling. but expects to lose out on revenue from cremations as it sets its next budget.
A Freedom of Information request has revealed the number of clinical claims relating to items left in patients after surgery at Kent’s hospitals.
A councillor has called for more to be done to promote a new hospital shuttle bus.
Five Kent seaside towns have been hit by a house price slump as Londoners are “cooling” on the idea of relocating to the coast.
Richard Branson's Virgin Group make a bid to break Eurostar’s monopoly on services through the Channel Tunnel.
Plans for a village school to get a new building have been recommended for approval despite traffic fears amid a surge in demand for places.
The leaders of Kent’s councils have written to the government to express an interest in joining the Devolution Priority Programme (DPP).
A winter flu crisis is crippling overwhelmed hospitals across Kent as a record number of patients endure long waits for a bed.
Read all Kent Politics news
If Dry January is going well, just think how much 12 months off the booze will help your body.
With wildlife spectacles and seaside fun all year, this spot on the East Coast is a sensational all-weather destination
People, it's time to sanitise your makeup bag - plus its contents - and here's how
Games shows, football and chocolate bars – tackle the Saturday Social quiz
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Maidstone bid to start another unbeaten run when they visit struggling Weymouth in National League South tonight.
Gillingham manager John Coleman has identified a habit he’s determined to eliminate from his newly inherited team.
Chris Benjamin arrives at Kent desperate to show he’s more than just a white-ball player, according to director of cricket Simon Cook.
Be sure to check out Simon Hildrew’s gallery from Saturday’s Kent Schools Cross-Country Championships - especially if you took part!
Medway’s Tyla Jade Thomas conquered the field once more for further success at the Kent Schools Cross-Country Championships.
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Now could be the perfect time to invest in your professional development. Discover these courses tailored to meet your needs.
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Savills is selling land and bunkers at Broadwater Down dating back to the 1940s.
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