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The population of Kent is soaring at a time when housing stock is insufficient to meet demand, a new study has found.
The number of patients forced to endure long waits in A&E corridors continues to soar as an alarming crisis deepens across Kent.
As lovebirds across the county celebrate Valentine’s Day, we retell the romantic, bizarre and funny stories of how Kent couples fell in love.
A mum-of-four has landed a £50,000 investment from business moguls after appearing on BBC One’s hit show Dragons’ Den.
Kent’s biggest and most beleaguered local authority has agreed a balanced budget – but its leadership issued dire warnings about the future.
Three building projects in Kent are among the nominations for a national architectural award.
A mystery Kent man won a huge £1 million in a Euromillions draw, and plans to start his own business with the cash.
Motorists are continuing to call for fines handed out during a temporary speed limit change to be revoked, arguing there were “inadequate” signs.
We’ve got 15 fantastic days out for the February half term, from roar-some dinosaur trails to eco-friendly fun.
Kent and Medway have missed out being part of the government fast-tracked devolution programme.
Children as young as 10 are coming to A&E due to self-harm or a suicide attempt - we speak to the people who are there to meet them.
A pile of fly-tipped waste, including a tyre, broken furniture and a fridge, has blocked a country lane.
An auction of memorabilia related to the Yardbirds guitarist Jeff Beck has raised £100k for a wildlife centre threatened with closure.
A damning survey has been told of bullying and discrimination towards female employees at the ambulance service which serves Kent.
An animal rescue charity has profiled 20 dogs up for adoption in the county who are searching for a family to give them the love they deserve.
Some councils are doing better than others when it comes to bringing Kent’s 8,000-plus empty properties back into use.
A huge UK banking group has announced several closures of high street banks, including several in Kent.
A woman has been taken to hospital for her injuries following a collision involving a motorbike and car which prompted an emergency service response.
A weed dealer could be facing jail after pleading guilty to supplying the drug after police raided his home.
Underused offices, shops and pubs are increasingly being converted to residential use as landlords seek sustainable rent, says a report.
Poor Ofsted ratings have seen the number of children wanting to join some schools in the county almost halve, KentOnline analysis reveals.
Greggs is recalling one of its most popular products after a packaging error deemed it a “possible health risk”.
Kent is braced for a miserable few days as gusts of up to 80mph are set to batter the county.
Read all Kent Politics news
Diabetes is on the rise across the country, so it’s essential you know its signs and symptoms
As well as shedding pounds and controlling diabetes, Ozempic and Wegovy can help you drink less, researchers suggest
A brand-new car might be a nice idea, but there are plenty of good used models around if you’re on a budget.
How to spot the symptoms of respiratory syncytial virus and the simple steps to protect yourself
Read all trending news
Elliott Nevitt’s struggling for goals at Gillingham but his manager has previously felt the pain of what the striker can do.
Manager John Coleman won’t be looking at the form guide for a clue as to how Saturday’s game will go.
John Coleman doesn’t think the trend in technical area bookings does the game any favours and would love some joy when it comes to penalties.
Catch up with all the week’s football fixtures and results here.
Gillingham manager John Coleman was pleased to see how Max Ehmer responded after the captaincy was taken off him.
Gillingham loan forward Asher Agbinone looks set to return to his parent club for injury treatment.
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