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We’ve got 15 fantastic days out for the February half term, from roar-some dinosaur trails to eco-friendly fun.
A school previously accused of "indoctrinating" its pupils by putting up Pride flags has been rated outstanding across the board by Ofsted.
Kent and Medway have missed out being part of the government fast-tracked devolution programme.
Enforcement officers hired to fine litter louts have been accused of spending too much time targeting “easy pickings” on out-of-town retail parks.
Children as young as 10 are coming to A&E due to self-harm or a suicide attempt - we speak to the people who are there to meet them.
A bistro favoured by TV chef Tom Kerridge has been granted permission to continue using the space upstairs, after an impassioned plea from the owner.
Controversial plans to make Kent’s most expensive council car parks even pricier have been axed following a public backlash.
It arrived quickly with devastating consequences. We look back at the tidal surge which saw cliffs collapse, livestock drown and motorists marooned.
A damning survey has been told of bullying and discrimination towards female employees at the ambulance service which serves Kent.
An animal rescue charity has profiled 20 dogs up for adoption in the county who are searching for a family to give them the love they deserve.
A retired teacher who was swindled out of hundreds by a fraudster salesman says he came across as “very pleasant and friendly” before the lies began.
Some councils are doing better than others when it comes to bringing Kent’s 8,000-plus empty properties back into use.
A serial thief banned from supermarkets in two Kent towns is behind bars after pilfering from shops and homes in a third town instead.
Underused offices, shops and pubs are increasingly being converted to residential use as landlords seek sustainable rent, says a report.
Poor Ofsted ratings have seen the number of children wanting to join some schools in the county almost halve, KentOnline analysis reveals.
Greggs is recalling one of its most popular products after a packaging error deemed it a “possible health risk”.
Kent is braced for a miserable few days as gusts of up to 80mph are set to batter the county.
There are 35 criminals on Kent Police’s most wanted list but some have been on the run for years - including a pensioner at large since 2016.
One of the most familiar names on Kent’s high street could be set to change hands, the company has admitted.
The Met Office has issued another weather warning, as strong winds are set to batter Kent.
A pub landlord pulled the plug on Sky Sports after his yearly bill for the TV package more than doubled to almost £30,000.
A brand-new column is being launched this weekend which reviews the best and worst wine bars, cocktail lounges, and upmarket venues in Kent.
Cafes at four Kent Sainsbury’s superstores are set to close as the company plans to cut 3,000 jobs.
Read all Kent Politics news
Experts warn of a hidden health crisis and why the Government must act now.
The Royal Mint has just released its latest coin marking a special year for the RAF’s legendary aerobatic team.
Data released by the property website shows the ideal time to list our homes - and how long they take to sell.
Former Doctor Who David Tennant’s surprising genetic condition explained by health experts
Read all trending news
Attacking midfielder Bradley Dack thinks relegation talk is nonsense and remains driven to try and bring success to Gillingham.
Gillingham’s youth players will be called upon by the manager if he doesn’t get the right response from his senior professionals.
Gillingham’s transfer deadline-day signings made a positive impression on the manager before they’d even kicked a ball for the team.
Jamie Coyle says Wembley is starting to cross his squad’s mind after Whitstable wrote another chapter in this season’s FA Vase success story.
Catch up with all the week’s football fixtures and results here.
Gillingham manager John Coleman hopes to draw a line under the criticism that’s come the way of his captain.
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