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News feeds allow you to see when websites have added new content. You can get the latest headlines and video in one place, as soon as its published, without having to visit the websites you have taken the feed from.
Feeds are also known as RSS, which stands for 'Really Simple Syndication'. The feeds themselves are just web pages, designed to be read by computers rather than people.
In general, the first thing you need is something called a news reader. This is a piece of software that checks the feeds and lets you read any new articles that have been added. There are many different versions, some of which are accessed using a browser, and some of which are downloadable applications.
Browser-based news readers let you catch up with your RSS feed subscriptions from any computer, whereas downloadable applications let you store them on your main computer, in the same way that you either download your e-mail using Outlook, or keep it on a web-based service like Hotmail.
If the feed button in Internet Explorer lights up, it means that the site offers RSS feeds. Click the icon to see the feed and, if you want, subscribe to have the feed automatically sent to your computer. When you click the subscribe button , the feed is automatically added to the Favorites Center and to the Common Feed List for sharing with other programs.
Once you have chosen a news reader, all you have to do is to decide what content you want it to receive.
If you click on the RSS button you can subscribe to the feed in various ways, including by dragging the URL of the feed into your news reader or by cutting and pasting the same URL into a new feed in your news reader. Most sites that offer feeds use a similar orange button, but some may just have a normal web link.
Some browsers, including Firefox, Opera and Safari, automatically check for feeds for you when you visit a website, and display an icon when they find one. This can make subscribing to feeds much easier.