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Ex-head faces forgery charges

Ex-head faces forgery charges

24 January 2003

New move in bid to kill off grammars

New move in bid to kill off grammars

24 January 2003

Kent schools come top--and-bottom--of table

Kent schools come top--and-bottom--of table

22 January 2003

Crisis meeting over £8m gap in schools budget

Crisis meeting over £8m gap in schools budget

17 January 2003

Ofsted report sparks new grammar school row

Ofsted report sparks new grammar school row

16 January 2003

Pioneer project to woo teachers

Pioneer project to woo teachers

10 January 2003

Schools crisis as cash cuts loom

Schools crisis as cash cuts loom

06 January 2003

School closure threat after Ofsted report

School closure threat after Ofsted report

24 December 2002

11-plus: KCC appeals process to be scrapped?

11-plus: KCC appeals process to be scrapped?

19 December 2002

Cameras at school events: heads to decide

Cameras at school events: heads to decide

19 December 2002

Taxpayers may be hit by £19m education shortfall

Taxpayers may be hit by £19m education shortfall

19 December 2002

Ban on video recorders at school's Nativity play

Ban on video recorders at school's Nativity play

12 December 2002

End of the road for 11-plus in Kent?

End of the road for 11-plus in Kent?

12 December 2002

Future of £50m college project in doubt

Future of £50m college project in doubt

12 December 2002

Slight dip in primary school standards

Slight dip in primary school standards

10 December 2002

Help for school with 'significant weaknesses'

Help for school with 'significant weaknesses'

06 December 2002

Boost for anti-grammar school group

Boost for anti-grammar school group

05 December 2002

Toddlers banned from school's nativity play

Toddlers banned from school's nativity play

05 December 2002

Pashtu to become Kent town's first language?

Pashtu to become Kent town's first language?

03 December 2002

Boost for special needs teachers

Boost for special needs teachers

15 November 2002

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