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A woman with an extremely rare condition who must stand while she eats and drinks or risk choking hopes surgery will help her feel “normal” again.
Plans have emerged to create 26 “life-changing” homes on a town’s cheapest but “underutilised” car park.
Anxious residents fear “eyesore” land where a youth centre once stood could be turned into housing as council bosses are looking to sell it off.
A woman has been charged with attempted murder after another woman was stabbed with a large kitchen knife in a town centre.
A huge sea search has ended without any sign of a person reported to have gone overboard on a boat.
A woman has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after allegedly stabbing another woman in the back as she walked down the street.
A ruling Labour Party has suddenly shrunk to a minority on a Kent council after members defected within a week.
Police have released an e-fit image after a man entered a home under the guise of borrowing teabags and then sexually assaulted a woman.
Jim Parmenter is showing little sign of slowing down as he reflects on 20 years at Dover’s helm.
A thug out of prison for just 11 days repeatedly stabbed a man after robbing him of £20 at a cashpoint.
One of a town’s oldest companies is partly moving out of the county after two centuries, cutting half of its workforce.
Residents have been evacuated from their homes overnight amid fears a nearby building could collapse.
A devastated landlord says the owners of his 200-year-old pub are set to close the venue amid rumours it could be knocked down.
A narrow lane has been fenced off as a building near a town centre pub appears to be at risk of collapse.
Ferry services from Dover to Calais have been cancelled due to strike action.
A duo reportedly shoved a woman to the ground and snatched her bag in a town centre robbery shortly after dark.
Manager Jake Leberl has spoken of Jim Parmenter’s influence at Dover - as Whites’ chairman celebrates a major milestone this week.
Dover Athletic’s latest set of financial figures show a significant improvement.
A pub landlord has appeared in court accused of vandalising a shopping centre’s CCTV cameras with paint.
Sixteen new homes will be built on a plot of farmland despite villagers’ fears the houses are being “crammed” into too small a space.
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