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A council has submitted a formal request to the government to be afforded city status - but some say the public should decide if they really want it.
A serial shoplifter prevented from entering any Co-op store in the county has been jailed after “brazenly” flouting the ban.
A council has placed a former special educational needs school earmarked for 14 new homes on the market.
Detectives investigating a series of at least 10 motorbike thefts at people’s homes are not ruling out the possibility the events are linked.
Footage appearing to show a dog being forced to run alongside a moving car has emerged just two weeks after police investigated a similar incident.
An air ambulance was called after a fight erupted inside a family pub leaving a man requiring hospital treatment.
A former brickworks site, bare and derelict for decades, will be revived with 77 homes and business space after the site was finally sold.
Three play parks are set for major overhauls as part of a £180,000 renovation project.
A man was assaulted before his attackers drove him more than six miles in a Mercedes during a terrifying ordeal.
Police have confirmed a woman in her 20s died after being struck by a lorry on the M20.
In this week’s Kent Politics Podcast our reporters talk with a key campaigner about a controversial housing plan set to cost the taxpayer millions.
Motorists faced lengthy delays after a motorway collision lead to a fuel spill.
As our summers get hotter and winters get wetter, Melissa Todd says no one is building smartly, planning wisely or putting enough money aside.
A discount store boss has told of the moment he raced back to his shop after learning his lorry filled with £25,000 worth of stock was ablaze.
The family of a 20-year-old who died suddenly after falling ill have paid tribute to him.
A huge indoor market boasting more than 250 traders could be set to take over a former Wilko building within months.
A pub landlord has pulled the plug on Sky Sports after his yearly bill for the TV package more than doubled to almost £30,000.
A brand-new column is being launched this weekend which reviews the best and worst wine bars, cocktail lounges, and upmarket venues in Kent.
Views are being sought on proposals for 500 homes, a new supermarket and a retirement living complex on a large former gas works and waterfront site.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!