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Dead birds found in cock-fighting raid

Dead birds found in cock-fighting raid

Three men have been arrested after dead cockerels were found among hundreds of birds and a suspected fighting ring in a raid on a farm.

Kent law experts win atheist's landmark asylum case

Kent law experts win atheist's landmark asylum case

An Afghan asylum seeker has won the right to stay in the UK - because he's an atheist.

'We were worried the house was going to explode'

'We were worried the house was going to explode'

A neighbour's told of the frightening moment flames engulfed a home... as a woman fled for her life.

Couple jailed after enjoying high life with stolen £360k

Couple jailed after enjoying high life with stolen £360k

A husband and wife have been locked up after buying luxury items and taking expensive holidays with almost £360,000 stolen from a construction firm.

Desperate to get to root of tree dispute

Desperate to get to root of tree dispute

Neighbours have fallen out over a huge tree that toppled over in the storms and has been left lying on a home for more than two weeks.

'People cross the road to avoid me because of my facial tattoos'

'People cross the road to avoid me because of my facial tattoos'

A bus driver believes he is shunned by strangers who think he is a thug because of his facial tattoos... but is planning to have more.

Pregnant woman treated in hospital after flat fire

Pregnant woman treated in hospital after flat fire

A pregnant woman was taken to hospital and her pets died after a fire broke out at a flat last night.

Residents' anger as road sinks into gaping hole

Residents' anger as road sinks into gaping hole

Villagers who have been living in a virtual bomb site for months will tonight hear why... and what's going to be done.

Woman speaks of rape ordeal at hospital

Woman speaks of rape ordeal at hospital

A mother who said she was raped more than 50 times at a psychiatric hospital has spoken about her ordeal.

Pervert jailed after abusing young girl

Pervert jailed after abusing young girl

A sex pest has been jailed for nearly nine years after swearing his young abuse victim to secrecy.

Bribe claims over plans to give councils cash boost for allowing fracking

Bribe claims over plans to give councils cash boost for allowing fracking

Campaigners in Kent say the government is trying to bribe local authorities by offering them financial incentives to allow fracking.

Jump fears man talked down from roof

Jump fears man talked down from roof

A police negotiator has talked down a man who it was feared could jump from a town centre building this afternoon after more than four hours.

Ram raid on shop... days after opening

Ram raid on shop... days after opening

Two men have been arrested after ram-raiders targeted a supermarket early today - just four days after it opened its doors.

'We are devastated' - school's tribute to tragic student

'We are devastated' - school's tribute to tragic student

A school has paid a touching tribute to a 'caring' pupil who wanted to study medicine - after she was tragically killed in a crash.

The Modfather confirms Kent date

The Modfather confirms Kent date

Veteran rocker Paul Weller is to perform in Kent this summer as part of a series of open-air gigs.

Drug-fuelled bully jailed after tugging out girlfriend's hair

Drug-fuelled bully jailed after tugging out girlfriend's hair

A jealous boyfriend was high on cocaine when he pulled out his girlfriend's hair in front of her children, leaving a bald patch.

Grammar school teacher kissed former pupil on cinema date

Grammar school teacher kissed former pupil on cinema date

A school hired a religious studies teacher while he faced a conduct hearing for dating and kissing a female pupil he had previously taught.

Life's a hoot with Haru the owl who thinks he’s human

Life's a hoot with Haru the owl who thinks he’s human

A young woman's taken on the role of mum to an owl who loves nothing better than to watch Top Gear and Star Wars.

A249 re-opens as two people taken to hospital

A249 re-opens as two people taken to hospital

Two motorists have been taken away by ambulance following a series of accidents on one of the county's busiest roads.

Cancer girl's pal silenced by Twitter

Cancer girl's pal silenced by Twitter

A friend of a terminally ill mum was banned from Twitter... for asking celebrities to support her dying pal.

Finding £800k you didn't know you had...priceless!

Finding £800k you didn't know you had...priceless!

A parish council's Freedom of Information request has revealed it is owed a fortune.

Poptastic! Book marks golden years of TV hit show

Poptastic! Book marks golden years of TV hit show

Tantrums, miming... and those dancers! It's 50 years since Top of the Pops hit our screens, and one Kent author is hoping for a new record.

Two councillors to keep seats... despite living 150 miles away

Two councillors to keep seats... despite living 150 miles away

Two married councillors have been cleared of wrongdoing, following a complaint when they moved to Lincolnshire but stayed on the council.

Parts stolen from blood delivery bike

Parts stolen from blood delivery bike

Thieves stole and completely stripped a motorbike used to deliver blood to people needing urgent medical attention.

Coffee chain giant removes 'offensive' image from all cafes after complaint

Coffee chain giant removes 'offensive' image from all cafes after complaint

This picture in a coffee house was deemed so offensive it's to be removed. Find out why...

Weight loss a heart beat away... after mum-to-be's shock

Weight loss a heart beat away... after mum-to-be's shock

A mum-to-be was shocked into losing weight after hearing she was so overweight medics couldn't hear her baby's heartbeat.

Air Ambulance lands after man injured on road in Biddenden

Air Ambulance lands after man injured on road in Biddenden

A 65 year old man has been rushed to hospital in London after being hit by a car in Biddenden.

Firefighters remove car roof to rescue man and woman

Firefighters remove car roof to rescue man and woman

A man suffered neck and spinal injuries after a crash in Sittingbourne.

Pensioner hit by car

Pensioner hit by car

Police have sealed off a section of central Faversham after a pensioner was hit by a car near a zebra crossing.

Teen injured in M20 smash

Teen injured in M20 smash

A teenager has been rushed to hospital after a serious accident on the M20.

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