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Spitfire salute for Captain Tom sidelined due to crowd fear

Spitfire salute for Captain Tom sidelined due to crowd fear

Instead of flying past the fundraising veteran’s house, a Spitfire will be confined to near its home base.

Tedi Millward, Welsh nationalist and Prince Charles’ tutor, dies

Dr Millward’s lessons with Charles were feature in The Crown.

Harry films introduction to special royal episode of Thomas & Friends

Harry films introduction to special royal episode of Thomas & Friends

The Queen and a young Prince of Wales are characters in the anniversary special.

Online grocery sales expected to jump by a third in 2020

Online grocery sales expected to jump by a third in 2020

Shoppers are forecast to spend an estimated £16.8 billion on grocery shopping online during 2020, Mintel said.

Coronavirus response similar to Second World War operation, says RAF veteran

Coronavirus response similar to Second World War operation, says RAF veteran

Alastair Lamb says the job armed forces are doing now is ‘very much’ reminiscent to when he provided supplies for starving Dutch people 75 years ago.

What the papers say – April 28

What the papers say – April 28

The complexities of easing Britain’s lockdown feature prominently on the nation’s newspapers.

Nation to honour key workers who have died with Covid-19

Nation to honour key workers who have died with Covid-19

The national minute’s silence at 11am coincides with International Workers’ Memorial Day

Boris Johnson to lead nation in minute’s silence for fallen frontline workers

Boris Johnson to lead nation in minute’s silence for fallen frontline workers

The Prime Minister is also reportedly planning to refine lockdown rules in the coming days.

Uplifting news: Strangers clean gravestones and Captain Moore gets postmark

Uplifting news: Strangers clean gravestones and Captain Moore gets postmark

A round-up of Monday’s feelgood stories.

Surge in applications to work for NHS during pandemic

Surge in applications to work for NHS during pandemic

There were 407,000 applications submitted last month – an increase of 13,500 on the same month last year.

The NHS workers who have died during the coronavirus pandemic

The NHS workers who have died during the coronavirus pandemic

The PA news agency has confirmed the deaths of 94 frontline healthcare workers.

Captain Tom is sent 125,000 cards from around the world ahead of 100th birthday

Captain Tom is sent 125,000 cards from around the world ahead of 100th birthday

The cards are being displayed at Bedford School where his grandson is a student.

Young child among 47 migrants brought ashore at Dover

Young child among 47 migrants brought ashore at Dover

The migrants were intercepted in four inflatable boats on Monday.

More work to do to hit 100,000-a-day testing target, says Hancock

More work to do to hit 100,000-a-day testing target, says Hancock

Downing Street also said it would be difficult to know if the 100,000 daily Covid-19 test target has been met.

‘Too early’ to open schools as coronavirus spread among children largely unknown

‘Too early’ to open schools as coronavirus spread among children largely unknown

Scientists are assessing the impact opening schools would have on the coronavirus infection rate.

Ambulance worker who died with coronavirus ‘was 100% dedicated’

Ambulance worker who died with coronavirus ‘was 100% dedicated’

Charlie Goodwin spent almost two weeks in intensive care before he died.

Life assurance scheme for frontline staff may not go far enough, BMA says

Life assurance scheme for frontline staff may not go far enough, BMA says

Families of NHS and social care workers who die from coronavirus in the course of their duties will receive a £60,000 payment.

Piers Morgan cleared by Ofcom for ‘combative’ interviews with ministers

Piers Morgan cleared by Ofcom for ‘combative’ interviews with ministers

The watchdog received thousands of complaints related to the Good Morning Britain host’s interviews with two ministers.

Health experts looking at reports of coronavirus-related syndrome among children

Health experts looking at reports of coronavirus-related syndrome among children

Prof Powis said: “We have become aware in the last few days of reports of severe illness in children which might be a Kawasaki-like disease.”

Soldiers drafted in to help test PPE for nurses at Scottish hospitals

Soldiers drafted in to help test PPE for nurses at Scottish hospitals

The Scots-based military instructors are helping staff at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

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