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Plans to transform a disused town centre bank into a restaurant have emerged, with neighbours concerned over noise and smells.
A family slept in their home unaware that just feet away a fire was raging through their back garden.
The family of a 20-year-old who died suddenly after falling ill have paid tribute to him.
A sex offender who hid storage devices from officers despite having a court order has been jailed.
Late goals have kept Sheppey United firmly in the mix for an Isthmian South East play-off spot.
A landlord who flouted planning laws and refused to knock down an outbuilding in his garden is now thousands of pounds out of pocket.
Crews called to tackle a blaze in an outbuilding early this morning believe the fire was started deliberately.
A bigamist who married his teenage step-daughter while still wed to her mother has spoken out, calling the situation “weird” and “a misunderstanding”.
Campaigners opposed to the loss of children’s services at two Kent family centres have vowed to fight on despite a decision not to recommission them.
A former high-flying business manager who drunkenly crashed his car into the front of a house when a young boy was inside has avoided jail.
A huge revamp of a leisure complex which is part of a multi-million-pound regeneration project has been approved.
A mum’s on a mission to make non-league football clubs fully accessible to disabled fans after seeing the difficulties her son faced.
The co-owner of a burger van says he is “shocked” after it was broken into a week before opening.
An unusual former high street shop with stunning views and moorings is among the list of lots up for grabs at auction.
Sheppey United look to be in safe hands after naming an interim chairman following the resignation of Tony Hughes.
A prisoner who was filmed having sex with a guard has been attacked by a fellow inmate, with a three-month-old baby he was holding injured.
A “manipulative and controlling” bigamist who married his teenage step-daughter while still wed to her mother has been spared jail.
There’s been a change at the top for Sheppey United after the club named a new chairman.
Carers who stole more than £12,000 from an elderly couple they were looking after have been ordered to pay back £1 by the court.
A shop worker who lost control of his bike on black ice received an added “gut punch” after coming round from surgery to learn his bike is missing.