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Tributes have been paid to a “kind” and “generous” antique shop owner who died suddenly after a short illness.
A pub landlord illegally evicted a tenant while they received hospital treatment after splashing £100,000 to revamp his establishment into a hotel.
A worker says he now struggles to care for his children after three of his fingers were severed by a saw while at work.
Mystery surrounds how a man suffered wounds to his face and chest, with police appealing to the public for help.
A 200-year-old pub where its grand reopening was celebrated less than a year ago has gone back up for sale.
Player-manager Ben Greenhalgh has praised the commitment Margate’s young Gillingham loanee Josh Bayliss showed to the club on his debut.
Sittingbourne manager Ryan Maxwell has accused Margate of telling lies after the Kent rivals’ top-of-the-table meeting was postponed.
A man is in hospital after sustaining a serious head injury in the early hours.
Ramsgate coach Darren Beale has picked out some of the unsung heroes behind their title challenge.
Ben Greenhalgh believes Margate should take a lot of credit for being mentioned in this season's title race - but is refusing to get carried away.
A pharmacy has announced it will close after 14 years, blaming increasing difficulties working with the NHS and concerns over staff safety.
An MP has blasted a council’s objection to plans for a ‘vital’ integrated health hub in a move which she says ‘beggars belief’.
Photographs taken as part of an investigation into a devastating inferno at a historic business reveal the extent of the destruction caused.
Player-boss Ben Greenhalgh thinks a pre-match injury to Margate winger Gabriel Duo badly impacted their game-plan ahead of their defeat to Sevenoaks.
A 24-year-old who has battled food addiction and crippling anxiety that kept him housebound is now making huge changes.
Dominant Sevenoaks inflicted Margate’s maiden home Isthmian South East defeat this campaign thanks to two second-half goals.
A man was arrested and taken to hospital after a car smashed through a wall.
A mum-of-three who was jailed following a lenthy crime spree has now been banned from Tesco and Boots stores.
Campaigners have accused National Grid of potentially wrecking protected land in its flagship scheme designed to harness renewable energy.
Promotion-chasing Margate are well on course to hit their initial points target for this season.
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