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A pub with a troubled past is set to have a revamp after being taken over by new management.
A dog walker has been left fuming after finding poo with a flag stuck in it - less than a metre from a bin.
Shocking images show the dangerous and damp conditions a landlord allowed a tenant to live in with broken heating.
A construction specialist has opened its new million-pound warehouse and created 42 new jobs.
Train passengers have described their shock after multiple windows were shattered along a carriage.
Tributes have been paid to a healthcare assistant with a “heart of gold” after she died on her 53rd birthday.
A train had to be taken out of service due to damage caused by a “disturbance” on board.
People are set to be asked for their views on proposals for a new Aldi branch.
Catering firms and event companies have stepped in to help betrothed couples whose wedding venue has entered administration.
A pair were captured on CCTV throwing rocks at fish swimming in a pond and hurling foliage into the water.
A man was taken to hospital after he was hit by a car, with emergency services descending on the scene.
Two teenagers, both aged 16, have been arrested after a man was assaulted during an early morning row on the street.
Six new cameras are to be installed by a council in the hopes of tackling anti-social behavour.
Police are investigating reports of cars being stopped by a man pretending to be a police officer.
The owner of a luxury swimming pool company whose vehicle was used for illegal fly-tipping has been fined in court.
Drivers are facing delays due to two large vehicles getting jammed along a road.
A serial shoplifter prevented from entering any Co-op store in the county has been jailed after “brazenly” flouting the ban.
Footage appearing to show a dog being forced to run alongside a moving car has emerged just two weeks after police investigated a similar incident.
The family of a 20-year-old who died suddenly after falling ill have paid tribute to him.
A homeowner is urging people to turn off their electrical appliances after a fire destroyed his kitchen and killed his cat.