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Towns across the county paid tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom on Remembrance Sunday.
Four men have been arrested after armed police descended on a harbour this morning.
Police searching for a missing teenager have asked the public for help.
The co-owner of a new shop says allowing traders to rent out a small part of her store to sell their goods could be the future of the high street.
Five fire engines spent more than two hours tackling a blaze at a rural barn in the early hours.
A landlady wants to "lead the way for women" as she becomes RNLI's first female helm after more than 10 years.
A well-used road currently shut for seven weeks of gas works has temporarily reopened for a limited time.
An arrest has been made by detectives investigating reports four people were assaulted by a man with an unknown substance.
A popular 90s supermodel, who now lives in the county, has died while on holiday in Europe.
A lottery ticket winner entitled to £10k a month for the next three decades is still yet to come forward.
A conservation charity says it’s facing a “nature nightmare” as land has been damaged by metal detecting, anti-social behaviour and criminal activity.
A number of drivers say they were “shot at” as they were travelling along two main routes, with damage caused to at least 10 vehicles.
Emergency services were called to a residential street after a bonfire caused a tree to catch on fire.
Police cars and ambulances were spotted at the scene of a crash which saw a road shut for several hours.
CCTV images have been released after multiple cases of fraud were reported at businesses.
Drivers faced “traffic chaos” last night after the closure of a main route due to gas works.
A gas leak has caused a residential road to close while engineers carry out urgent repairs.
Several people have been charged after a brawl outside a wine bar which left several injured, including a police officer.
Drivers have been warned that seven weeks of gas work are set to begin along a road.
Mechanics came to the rescue to help save a tiny kitten trapped underneath metal rollers at a MOT centre.