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A restaurant owner arrested on suspicion of people smuggling after a migrant was found in the boot of her car has been told the case has been dropped.
A Lottery windfall will allow authorities to fund urgent repairs and a new visitor centre at a world-famous Kent landmark.
A stunt plane which ditched into the sea and flipped in front of thousands of spectators may have been brought down by a balloon, it's emerged.
Bosses at the one of the county's biggest firms in the building industry have spoken out after filing for administration.
When off duty paramedic Jon Haigh heard a distinctive 'death rattle' he realised the man on the next bench had minutes to live.
The heartbroken owners of a missing cat have told of their horror at hearing it had been put down and was being kept in a vet's freezer.
A man arrested on suspicion of murder after a 38-year-old woman died in her seaside home faces no further action.
A nine-year-old boy has been awarded a multi-million pounds payout after doctors who failed to diagnose meningitis left him brain-damaged.
The lawyer of a convicted murderer is still waiting for key evidence to be produced in a famous murder case - six weeks after it was requested.
Canterbury Cathedral has been rocked by scandal after a South American was racially abused by a long-standing staff member.
A pub landlord is to appear as himself - with his own bar recreated on stage - in a play at one of Kent's biggest theatres.
A disabled writer says his neighbourhood is "descending into hell" after being plagued by sleepless nights, vandalism - and excrement on his doorstep.
A mum and dad have relived the heartbreaking chain of events after finding their baby lifeless in his cot.
America's worst mass shooting in history tragically coincided with a successful LGBT Pride parade which drew thousands of supporters.
The head of the Church of England today warns against "succumbing to our worst instincts" over immigration.
New witnesses have come forward who could cast doubt on the conviction of Michael Stone for a brutal double murder.
Renowned city dentist, Nadim Safdar, was made to feel like a terrorist after Bradley and Partners practice was raided.
Education bosses have uncovered "procedural shortcomings" while investigating a school's plans to become an academy.
An ex-Harley Street practitioner who lists celebrities and heads of state as former clients is being quizzed after police raided his Kent clinic.
Hundreds of pupils were evacuated from two Kent schools following menacing bomb threats - police are appealing for information.