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Award-winning Guy Hollaway says his innovative apartments could lure students from traditional landlord housing in Canterbury city centre.
A new rail service to whisk Kent commuters to the capital is being considered by ministers, it can be revealed.
Harvey's are set to move into Ashford's former Paul Simon outlet.
Chainsaw artist creates a stunning dormouse bench for new Repton Park development.
A veteran campaigner whose dying wish was to see Manston Airport reopen has been laid to rest a short distance from the runway.
A veteran campaigner whose dying wish was to see Manston Airport reopen has been laid to rest a short distance from the runway.
Bosses behind the Folkestone Airshow still say its future is unlikely for "some time" while they discuss the show's finances
A unique section of island in the heart of a city has been snapped up at auction.
A woman whose life was saved by paramedics has told of her remarkable three-year struggle back to normality.
The Subways are among a host of further acts confirmed to play this year's Lounge on the Farm Festival, joining the likes of the Fun Lovin' Criminals
The majority of parents are against the idea of moving a city grammar to the coast according to the results of a consultation - but only 5% responded.
Tributes have been paid to a man found dead in a park after a row with his girlfriend, an inquest heard.