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There is a backlog of more than 5,000 crown and magistrates court cases across the county, it has been revealed.
A council's first solar farm, 170 miles away, is set to start producing energy within weeks - but not everyone's in favour of the scheme.
A council's finances have been described as 'ominous', with half its reserves expected to be used to plug a budget deficit.
A record number of unaccompanied young people have landed on Kent's shores this year, the highest on record.
Councillors say they urgently need more government cash to support the most vulnerable amid the cost of living crisis this winter.
Calls have been made to get tougher on people who use illegal substances in a bid to crack down on drugs crime in the county.
Kent's crime commissioner has demanded a meeting with London Mayor over the city's force recruiting experienced police from over the border.
A police chief says the force's non emergency number needs urgently improving after thousands fewer residents used the service last year.
A local authority has been criticised for making money by selling assets including playing fields and libraries to 'the highest bidder'.
The council is making a case for Kent to get a funding boost for micro-firms in the creative industries.
A frontline service which helps vulnerable and elderly people is at last set to get a dozen new recruits, after difficulties filling the posts.
Councillors have spoken of their concerns about fracking as a ban on the controversial practice looks set to be lifted.
A health boss has defended doctors who shut their practices at lunchtime amid calls for them to stay open.
Hundreds of thousands of residents are drinking alcohol above recommended levels, figures show.
Social distancing and working from home could be reintroduced if coronavirus and winter flu rates surge, a health boss has warned.
A bid to revise a £170 million infrastructure project over concerns about funding has failed.
Ambulance drivers and nurses have been collecting food parcels from a Kent food bank.
A multi-million pound bid has been made to pay for road improvements around the Port of Dover in an effort to ease congestion.
People can visit iconic seats of power such as the Houses of Parliament, so why not County Hall? Offering tours of KCC's HQ is being considered.
A council is asking the government to intervene after it was announced trains to Europe would not stop in the county until at least 2023.