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Plans to build nine homes on a hockey club's land have been rejected amid concerns the scheme is "unsustainable".
Plans for a new depot is set to create 50 jobs at a site which has stood empty for five years.
Eight years after the council took over Dreamland, members have now agreed to put it back in the private sector.
A rooftop Champagne bar could be one of the uses for an empty office block one Kent council has its eyes on.
A Kent council has bid for a share of £14 million to rejuvenate its ailing high streets.
An Indian restaurant has had its licence suspended for three months after it was found to employ illegal workers.
A council is set to spend £150,000 to assess how best to redevelop a former golf club which closed last year.
A council is set to drop its own trading company from overseeing the development of a new independent school for children with special needs.
Plans for 200 new homes have been given the green light by councillors.
A council is still considering launching a judicial review after missing out on a specialist stroke unit.
Plans for a food retailer and drive through on an industrial estate will be decided by an inspector rather than the council.
Council plans have been revealed to merge an outstanding junior school with its neighbouring counterpart.
A lack of funding could mean an eating disorder unit will not be built in a town.
A takeaway’s application to remain open until 4.30am six days a week – months after having another licence revoked – has been rejected by councillors.
Gillingham Football Club has returned to paying rent for using council-owned facilities after ditching the council as the club's sponsor.
A council leader has responded to claims the authority "basically has no money".
A police officer patrolling a town centre has given a frank account of what it is like dealing with alcohol-related problems in the area.
The future of a popular tandoori restaurant is uncertain following immigration raids carried out earlier this year.
A “struggling” business has been prevented from selling alcohol amid fears it would attract more street drinkers to the area.
Plans for a river taxi to help ease traffic on an industrial estate have been dropped.