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Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor

‘Labour didn't win the general election - the Tories lost it’

18 July 2024
‘Labour didn't win the general election - the Tories lost it’

Labour’s victory, electoral reform, our over-reliance on imports and building on farmland are among the topics tackled on this week’s letters page.


‘New PM has monumental task ahead of him - and if he keeps promises, it’ll be a first’

11 July 2024
‘New PM has monumental task ahead of him - and if he keeps promises, it’ll be a first’

With the general election behind us, this week’s letters page tackles topics including electoral reform, apathy and challenges facing the government.


‘Voting is important but we should have option for none of the above’

04 July 2024
‘Voting is important but we should have option for none of the above’

The general election, freedom of speech, taxing the rich, catapult laws and smoking are among topics tackled on this week’s letters page.


‘Choices on polling day are dire - it’s a case of voting for which party will be least bad’

27 June 2024
‘Choices on polling day are dire - it’s a case of voting for which party will be least bad’

With one week to go until the general election, readers give their views on the choices on offer on polling day in this week’s letters to the editor.


'Sixteen-year-olds too immature and poorly-informed to vote'

20 June 2024
'Sixteen-year-olds too immature and poorly-informed to vote'

Votes for 16-year-olds, the decline of bus services, the expansion of ULEZ and the benefits cap are among topics tackled on this week’s letters page.


'We're made to feel guilty for wanting to drive - no party is going to tackle war on drivers'

13 June 2024
'We're made to feel guilty for wanting to drive - no party is going to tackle war on drivers'

The continuing ‘war on drivers’, the PM’s D-Day debacle, people smuggling and benefits are among topics tackled in our readers’ letters this week.


‘National Service instils discipline the young of today could well do with’

06 June 2024
‘National Service instils discipline the young of today could well do with’

National Service, the two-child benefit limit, the infected blood scandal and hard-working carers are among topics discussed in this week’s letters.


‘Violence in classrooms of grave concern - children running amok cannot continue’

30 May 2024
‘Violence in classrooms of grave concern - children running amok cannot continue’

Assaults in schools, bus travel, immigration, the election and the infected blood scandal are among topics debated on this week’s letters page.


‘Soft sentences are encouraging crime - have criminals ever had it so good?’

16 May 2024
‘Soft sentences are encouraging crime - have criminals ever had it so good?’

Natalie Elphicke's shock defection, leniency in the courts, the education system and housing solutions are all debated on this week's letters page.


‘Children need transport to school - give them free bus passes rather than pensioners’

09 May 2024
‘Children need transport to school - give them free bus passes rather than pensioners’

Transport to school, the Rwanda plan, knife crime and sickness benefits are among the topics tackled in this week’s letters to the editor.


‘Ownership isn’t the only option - we need decent homes at affordable rent’

02 May 2024
‘Ownership isn’t the only option - we need decent homes at affordable rent’

The housing shortage, the Rwanda plan, the rise of tech and how to deal with litterbugs are some of the topics tackled on this week’s letters page.


‘Housebuilding opposition is well organised - who speaks up for those who need homes?’

25 April 2024
‘Housebuilding opposition is well organised - who speaks up for those who need homes?’

The housing shortage, the loss of vital services and voter cynicism are among topics tackled in this week’s letters to the editor.


'If we ditched waste disposal charges, rubbish wouldn't be dumped in country lanes'

18 April 2024
'If we ditched waste disposal charges, rubbish wouldn't be dumped in country lanes'

Poverty, fly-tipping, privatisation of utilities and the impact of technology are among the topics tackled in this week’s letters to the editor.


‘Some people don’t know what real poverty is – we don’t need Netflix and phone contracts’

11 April 2024
‘Some people don’t know what real poverty is – we don’t need Netflix and phone contracts’

Nationalism, poverty, knife crime and our obsession with net zero are just some of the topics tackled on this week’s letters page.


‘We should do our best to help lone children arriving in small boats’

28 March 2024
‘We should do our best to help lone children arriving in small boats’

Housing unaccompanied asylum seeker children, poverty cliches and our national anthem are among topics tackled in this week’s letters to the editor.


‘This country is a shirkers’ paradise – no wonder people come in their boatloads’

21 March 2024
‘This country is a shirkers’ paradise – no wonder people come in their boatloads’

The benefits system, 'extremist' views and the treatment of the Princess of Wales are among topics tackled in this week's letters to the editor.


‘Ending National Insurance would return us to appalling pre-war standards’

14 March 2024
‘Ending National Insurance would return us to appalling pre-war standards’

Proposals to scrap National Insurance, the degradation of women, the loss of farmland and over-reliance on technology are debated on our letters page.


‘In a country that can't feed itself, we are losing land hand over fist’

07 March 2024
‘In a country that can't feed itself, we are losing land hand over fist’

A decline in farming, the pitfalls of the 11-plus, praise for police and war protests are among topics tackled in this week’s letters to the editor.


‘Imposing the strain of the 11-plus on children is unnecessary and wrong’

29 February 2024
‘Imposing the strain of the 11-plus on children is unnecessary and wrong’

The unfairness of the 11-plus, the state of the NHS, 'wokeism' and rural inequality are some of the topics tackled on this week's letters page.


‘Cheap and affordable public transport is the only way to get people out of their cars’

22 February 2024
‘Cheap and affordable public transport is the only way to get people out of their cars’

The pressure on Kent’s roads, housing, immigration, BBC prejudice and our reliance on technology are among topics tackled on this week’s letters page.

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