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Huge fruit farm expansion ‘will provide post-Brexit boost’

Huge fruit farm expansion ‘will provide post-Brexit boost’

13 December 2020

Council officers believe a 275-acre expansion of a fruit farm will benefit the Kent economy in wake of both Brexit and coronavirus.


First pictures of Op Brock test on M20

First pictures of Op Brock test on M20

12 December 2020

A new moveable barrier designed to deal with traffic disruption at the end of the Brexit transition period is being tested for the first time.


Boris: One year in charge

Boris: One year in charge

12 December 2020

One year after he swept to victory has Boris Johnson delivered on his election promises?


Kent's looming Brexit nightmare

Kent's looming Brexit nightmare

12 December 2020

From supply chain chaos to breakdowns galore, we look at the impact of congested roads on Kent's businesses after the UK leaves the EU.


What does a no-deal Brexit mean for Kent?

What does a no-deal Brexit mean for Kent?

11 December 2020

After the Prime Minister said a no-deal Brexit is 'very very likely', we look at what that means for Kent.


M20 to close for Op Brock test

M20 to close for Op Brock test

11 December 2020

Part of the M20 will close for four nights from tonight as part of Operation Brock preparations.


Netflix and standstill: Truckers face weak signal in Kent

Netflix and standstill: Truckers face weak signal in Kent

10 December 2020

Truckers facing 7,000-lorry queues post Brexit could find themselves with poor streaming quality throughout Kent and at the biggest HGV park.


What latest Brexit talks mean

What latest Brexit talks mean

10 December 2020

As Boris Johnson arrives back from his three-course meal in Brussels here's what his talks mean for Brexit.

Impact of Brexit lorry park still secret

Impact of Brexit lorry park still secret

10 December 2020

The Department for Transport is withholding information on the environmental impact of a huge Brexit lorry park.


Lorry drivers allowed to work longer to ease port congestion

Lorry drivers allowed to work longer to ease port congestion

10 December 2020

Hauliers have been permitted to drive for longer to ease port congestion but unions say the move risks crashes on the county's roads.


Police prepare for six months of disruption

Police prepare for six months of disruption

09 December 2020

There will be travel disruption after the Brexit transition period ends according to the police and crime commissioner.


Christmas, Covid and stockpiling the cause of lorry chaos

Christmas, Covid and stockpiling the cause of lorry chaos

09 December 2020

Lorries are once again queuing for miles on Kent's roads as they try to access the county's ports as the pre-Christmas rush causes haulage headaches.


School to keep pupils at home due to Brexit disruption fears

School to keep pupils at home due to Brexit disruption fears

08 December 2020

A head teacher says pupils will learn from home for the first two days of the winter term due to potential traffic problems brought on by Brexit.


Brexit set to dominate the week ahead

Brexit set to dominate the week ahead

07 December 2020

With Brexit talks going to the wire, it's another crunch week in politics.


Could this finally be the end of live exports?

Could this finally be the end of live exports?

03 December 2020

The environment secretary has unveiled plans to ban the "unnecessary and foul" export of live animals.


M20 to close for Op Brock test

M20 to close for Op Brock test

02 December 2020

Part of the M20 will close for four nights next week as part of Operation Brock preparations.


PPE stockpiled by council in case of Brexit disruption

PPE stockpiled by council in case of Brexit disruption

02 December 2020

Council stockpiles thousands of items of personal protective equipment in case Brexit queues on roads lead to supply chain disruption.

Brexit Border park: 'Give us the chance to be heard!'

Brexit Border park: 'Give us the chance to be heard!'

02 December 2020

Residents whose quiet country homes will soon be overlooking a busy customs clearance site are urging the Government to listen to their fears.


Police probe 'Toilet of England' sign stunt

Police probe 'Toilet of England' sign stunt

28 November 2020

Officers are investigating reports of criminal damage after an anti-Brexit group stuck stickers on 26 road signs as part of a protest.


Kent rebranded 'Toilet of England'

Kent rebranded 'Toilet of England'

27 November 2020

An anti-Brexit group has created a new welcome for motorists across 26 county road signs and it's not flattering.

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